Why in Society people in General are not Happy


Other day I was talking to my senior teacher  Mr. Nandi.

Mr. Nandi is motivational speaker.He told me why people in general seem to be unhappy.

His submissions were following.

In society people don’t believe in simple life.People believe in spending extra money in activities which are not very useful in life. Because of all these activities there is lot of pretension in every ones life.Therefore people are unhappy.Due to mobile phone, there is so much interference in everybody’s life.Therefore people are disappointed.

In India there were never so much money was spent in celebrating birthdays of children. Now along with birthday celebration people spend so much money in gifts also.That creates tension among families.

Because  of science and technology advancement world has become very small. Carona virus  also taught us hoarding money also sometime do not help anyone.But attraction toward money has not decreased in world.

Moral of story is -best is to lead simple life.Be God fearing.Follow your passion to get peaceful life.Please remain away from pump and show in ones life. Enjoy ones life.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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