Is an Old Age a Miracle

People often say age is just a number. They are right to some extent 

Sometimes I feel different numbers about my age. 

I feel very different. 

Sometimes I share different experiences with my friends.Sometimes I do not.

So with lots of sincerity and courage, I am listing the same below.

Old age is very unique. It seems it changes many times in one day. As I got up in the morning, while trying to get out of bed there came a shooting pain in my shoulder. I got scared, but the pain went off after a while. I completely forgot about that.

I wore sports shoes and went for walk for 40 minutes. I felt oh! my God I am just fifty years old. I thought let me buy some essential things from the market. I took bath and did very light makeup. I saw myself in the full mirror I found that oh my God!I am just looking forty years old beautiful woman.

 After coming from the market I went inside the kitchen and made some banana cookies for the children. I felt like I am just thirty years old. In the evening I met some old friends and had good chat with them about our young days activities of the science research lab, my students,science problems we handled, I felt like I am in my twenties.

I came back home I realized that next year I will be seventy years old.

Everyday I learn new technique, but old experiences tell me my friends oh dear! completely live every moment of life with love and enthusiasm. Friends ! I am learning with age and is thankful for the growing sunshine
of(my)  spring, for the moments when the body and the mind are together.

Sukarma Thareja

 Alumnus IITK

Dual Organism- win- win situation

am algae. I can surprise you any time. I am a micro plant of the plant kingdom which contains chlorophyll and is capable of taking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and producing oxygen. But friends I can live only in water. I can not live on land. Without me, human life could not have existed. 

I can do a lot of adaptations. I can live in super salty water and very hot springs. I am a very creative species of this universe. I make a partnership with fungus which has no chlorophyll and can not make its own food. So friends, fungus gives me support And I make food for the fungus. We both form a dual organism which is called lichen. Lichens, one can find them on rocks and trees. 

The moral of the story is lichens are living examples of organisms helping each other. The positive point of algae and fungi are used by each other and both organisms combine to make lichens. Both are in a win-win situation. It is high time humans should learn from the plant kingdom and especially from Lichens and make win-win situations when possible.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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