Working in Fast Food Joint


My friend Neelam used to work in fast food joint.Many of us may think that this job is easy one.Actually it is not so.I learnt many good lessons from  experience of my friend Neelam  challenging job.I am listing the same below.


Working at  fast-food job teaches one how to work under pressure and manage ones time. One  has to deal with busy periods,long lines, unexpected situations, and multiple tasks at once. One  learns how to prioritize, multitask, adapt, and stay calm. One has to follow rules, procedures, and standards in distribution of food and making bills.These are all important skills for this job .

 Working at fast-food joint ,teaches one how to appreciate what one has  and what others do for others. One will see first hand how hard these jobs can be, how much effort and energy they require, and how little they pay.

Moral of story is- one realizes how much  workers at fast food joint work hard and therefore they deserve respect and recognition for their work. One  also realize how lucky one is to have other opportunities and choices in life. One can learn from fast food joint workers that how to be grateful and humble. These are all valuable qualities one should learn from workers at fast food joint.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus  IITK


Women are Different


My friend Ankita had arrange marriage.She got married in good joint family. Before marriage Ankita's Husband Bittoo, a nice gentlemen man never discussed any thing about finances.He could never realize finances are  finances for both Ankita and Bittoo. That little mistake in planning of finances made Ankita adjustment to family little difficult

When one get married, one share more than just ones love and ones life with ones partner. One also share ones money and ones debts. And that can be a source of joy or a source of trouble depending on how one handles it.

 Money is one of the most common causes of stress and conflict in marriages, especially if one has different financial goals, habits, and values than your partner. That’s why it’s important to talk about money before one get married . How much do one earn? How much one spend? How much do one owe? What are ones financial priorities? What are ones financial dreams? How will one manage ones money as a couple?  How will one deal with unexpected expenses? These are some of the questions that one should discuss with ones partner before one get married and continue to discuss throughout ones marriage.

Friends  please do remember women are not men in skirts. They are different from men in many ways, and that’s what makes them amazing and fascinating. 

Women have different needs, different emotions, different ways of thinking and communicating than men. Every one has to learn from women and grow with them.One has to be their partners, not her competitors , not her enemy. All family members have to make effort to make daughter in law comfortable in family. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Modern vs Ancient Generation


In school students always compare different aspect of ancient generation and modern generations.So this Saturday in school during co curricular activity class we discussed the same and our submissions were following.

There is not always an objective answer to this question.The concept of value varies from person to person, from era to era, and from culture to culture. When comparing ancient and modern generations, we need to consider different perspectives and criteria.When we discussed the quantity and quality of learning and knowledge.We found the following :

Opinion of house was modern generation has access to far more information and education than the ancient generation. The Internet and technology have enabled us to learn about many different disciplines and cultures from all over the world. In addition, modern science and medicine are more advanced than those in ancient times contributing to our health issues.

The house was also of opinion that the ancient generation lived a simpler and more natural life than the modern generation. They valued their culture and traditions and lived in harmony with their community and environment. They also had their own faith and philosophy and found meaning and purpose in life.

Friends we each of us have our strengths and weaknesses. We can respect and learn from each other. We can learn from our past and evolve for the future. We are each valuable human beings. The best approach is to take best possible good values and knowledge from ancient as well as modern generation.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Benefit of Interacting People Coming From Different Background

 n school, the intellectual levels of all students are different.In a family, the husband, wife, and children have different intellectual levels.In jobs, the intellectual level of ones boss, colleagues and subordinates are different.In society, the intellectual levels of ones neighbour may be quite different from other.

I had friend Radha in school.She was my fried whom I used to appreciate for her humble nature.Once our teacher assigned us project.Radha  told me that you please come over to my house we will do together.I went to Radha’s house.unfortunately Radha’s mother was not well.My self and Radha sat in separate room to discuss our project work.As luck would have it Radha’s father’s friends came to their house.Radha’s brother came and requested Radha to prepare  tea.Myself and Radha prepared tea but Radha’s brother did not do so.It was such a big education for me.In some houses there is division of labour according to gender.I did not have this rule in my house ,so it was a big surprise for me.

We always benefit when we deal with people of different thoughts, opinions and intellectual levels, because we can always learn from others.Visit to Radha’s house made me humble while helping my mother in kitchen.

On the contrary, if one live with people of similar thoughts and opinions, ones life becomes boring and one learn nothing.

We can learn so many things even from little children.Little children never lie.They respect everyone who so ever visit them.They have no double character.Telling story to children is great fun.They ask very relevant thought provoking questions.

If you are really an intellectual, enjoy interacting with people of different thoughts, beliefs and intelligence, learn from each one of them, and enjoy your life fully.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Categories: All Stories, Coming of Age, Contemporary Fiction, Happy Read, Non-Fic

Why people in General not Happy


Other day I was talking to my senior teacher  Mr. Nandi.

Mr. Nandi is motivational speaker.He told me why people in general seem to be unhappy.

His submissions were following.

In society people don’t believe in simple life.People believe in spending extra money in activities which are not very useful in life. Because of all these activities there is lot of pretension in every ones life.Therefore people are unhappy.Due to mobile phone, there is so much interference in everybody’s life.Therefore people are disappointed.

In India there were never so much money was spent in celebrating birthdays of children. Now along with birthday celebration people spend so much money in gifts also.That creates tension among families.

Because  of science and technology advancement world has become very small. Carona virus  also taught us hoarding money also sometime do not help anyone.But attraction toward money has not decreased in world.

Moral of story is -best is to lead simple life.Be God fearing.Follow your passion to get peaceful life.Please remain away from pump and show in ones life. Enjoy ones life.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


New Generation vs Old generation


Students in my class often talk about difference in thinking pattern of

young generations and their fathers and fore fathers.

To answer students unique question my submissions are following

Friends there is difference in raising a child and giving good value

system to children. When children say that there is not much contribution

of their parents in raising them,that becomes a serious issue. Fact is

parents of those children some how could not convey their values to their

children, that it takes many many sincere efforts to raise children with


Friends we raise our children.Similarly our parents also have raised

us.This goes in series and this is not new concept also.As river flows

from upside in mountain to down side.Same is series where children are

raised by their parents.By raising our children we add ourselves in series

of nature.This series keep moving with time.

Many children respect their parents for raising them and also love their

parents.They pay good respect to elders and love their elders.It is also

a fact sometime children do not have enough time to sit near their old


During this time infrastructure of society keep changing.Hence old

generation is not able to fit and pass their valuable experiences to new

generation. Because of this sometimes parents get agitated with

children.This difference of opinion make parents realize that they have

done so much for children,but some how children never acknowledge that.On

the other hand children think that every parent is raising ones own

children,which is a fact of life.What is something special our parents

have done for us—..

There is no mistake in the above listed process.But crucial factor is

time.Thinking of parents and that of children is right in their own

perspective. .Hence friends with time, parents will keep raising children

and at the same time they will keep hearing from children that their

parents have done their duty but not much more which is extra.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK

Format of relatioships


We often talk about relationships,

Sincere efforts help in maintaining relationships,

People emotional were our fathers,fore fathers,

Hence always cared about relationships.

After that realized, some people practical,

Its good to be practical in caring for relationships,

They did not believe in forgo and forget philosophy,

In maintaining relationships,

They believed in taking advantage of relationships,

In day to day life and life professional.

Now new generation is very professional,

For them if possibility of any transaction in their favor,

Then only it is useful for establishing relationship,

Other wise situation is no no in name of relationship.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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