Celebrating Cultural Diversity in Class

I have been a school teacher. It so happened I was incharge of class in which students were coming from different nation and culture.

Every 2nd saturday we have to organize co curricula activity so that student could learn something more what is being taught in syllabus

Hello” is a common yet meaningful word in our lives. It is one of the first words we learn in school. It is one of the first words we use each morning. And it helps us build courage and confidence in new environments.“Hello” can also be translated into nearly all modern languages!

I asked each student to make play card and write on that  word in their language equivalent to word Hello in English. Students prepared following play cards and I am listing the same below

1. Spanish – Hola (oh-LA). Translation: Hello.

Hola is a friendly formal way of saying hi. 

2. French – Salut (sah-LUU). Translation: Hi.

Greet friends or family any time of the day by saying Salut. 

3. German – Guten Tag (gooten-taag). Translation: Hello or Good Day.

Say Guten Tag if you want to be formal. Or you can be more relaxed by saying Hallo to acquaintances. 

4. Chinese – Nei Ho (nee-how). Translation: Hello.

5. Japanese ­– Konnichi Ha (kon-neen-chee-wah). 

6. Russian – Zdravstvuyte (ZDRA-stvooy-tyeh).Translation: “Hello.”

7. Portuguese – Olá pronounced (oh-LAH). Meaning hello

8. Arabic – As-salam (ala-kyum). Translation: Peace Upon You.

9. Italian – Ciao (chow). Translation: Hello.(Sometimes Goodbye).

10. Indian – Namaste or Namaskar.

The word is a combination of two Sanskrit terms: namah (I bow respectfully to you) and aste (let there be). However the spirit of the meaning is more important than the literal translation.

After the activity I pasted all play cards on notice board so that student could see them for a week and get more knowledge by sharing with other students. Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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