Expensive Gift

 I met group of students at market. I was so happy to see my students. 

I asked"very happy to see you students. 

It seems you have come to #restaurant for lunch. One of student said. "Today is our friend Akash #birthday. He has invited us for party in #evening at home. We have come to buy #gift for him. There is #discussion going on among us. Some of us are of opinion we should buy #expensive gift. Some are of opinion we should buy gift which Akash should be able to #use. Others are of opinion we should #handover cash to Akash so that he could buy gift of his choice. Madam it is very #thought ful to buy gift for a friend. "

I said "very fine students enjoy yourself. ".I  further said "do you know which is most expensive gift one can give to some one. " Students gave many answers. I said"students most expensive gift in life is to #help someone in time of need".One student said why"I said, dear student to help someone one need #large heart. It is #rare to find #persons in world with large heart. "All students said " Oh  yes madam you are #absolutely right"

Moral-If one wants to give most #expensive gift to someone, best is to help one at #time of need. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Students are Struggling

 I have been teaching  in college. I find after pandemic many of my students are doing part time jobs. They are no more full time students. With opportunity of availability of part time on line jobs many student are busy doing the same. When I ask my students reason for doing same. They said' madam cost of #living has increased so much that they are forced to do these side #jobs. "

Many students are #politically active. When I talk to them they look so #fatigued. It seems they have no faith in #system if things will ever move their way. 

It seems there are minor #disturbing elements in students studying environment. The #curriculum is so heavy. Moreover there is #semester  system which keeps students on ₹₹toes. They hardly get time to follow their #passion. 

Students have less faith if their #academic degree will fetch them good jobs. Many students believe in government jobs. So those students spend  lot of time in taking #private coaching for government job examination. 

There are good students who are interested in #studies but some how they are not able to meet #deadlines of assignment given by teacher. Some how that aspect of student character is #decreasing day by day. 

Moral of Story-students are in #pressure. It could be academic or #non academic. Many student are looking for ₹₹part time jobs. Student look tired #mentally and #physically. 

It's high time #educationist revise curriculum  of college so that students could get enough time to follow their #passion

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Please forgive----

Other day I was at metro station. I met my old student Girija. Girija has 3 year old daughter kami. I knew her husband had left for US for higher studies.She was living with her parents.

Girija said "madam after almost 4 years my husband came back to India.He #apologized to me for his wrong doings. I have applied for US #visa and will soon join my husband in US. " I was very happy for Girija. 

Girija showed me #regret letter written by her husband. "Girija I regret I messed up big time with you. I was so wrapped up in my own world, chasing my dreams, that I didn't realize I was neglecting your needs. Looking back, it's like I missed countless opportunities to be there for you and our child Kami. Now, I feel like a #stranger to my own #kid, and it #hurts. I wish I could  turn back time and be the father and #husband.I will soon join you in India. I request you and kami to be with me in US. I have applied for your and Kami visa. "

Moral of story -It's ok if one does some mistake. But if one rectifies one's mistake sooner or later other should forgive the mistake. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Round the Year

 I am December 2023 who is leaving with respect to #time. In continuation my friend january 2024 is #coming. We both are travellers in domain of #time. I December 2023 is rich in #experience while my friend January 2024 has to explore many new #adventures.

My(December 2023) #face is different from my friend January 2024.I am #end of year while my friend January 2024 is  #beginning of year. I have so many sweet and bad memories while my friend (jan 2024) is full of #hopes. 

Both of us are two ends of same #thread. We are too far off yet we are so #close. 

But friends (dec 2023-jan 2024)when we friends part with each other we make #festival for people of #world-HNY. 

Moral of story -magic of #December of previous year and January of coming year bring colours , hope, dreams for people of# world. 

Happy new Year 2024

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Limit Screen Time-----

 मैं अपने घर जाने के लिए बस लेने के लिए बस स्टॉप पर इंतज़ार कर रहा था। बस स्टॉप पर मेरी मुलाकात मेरी पुरानी छात्रा पुष्पा से हुई। पुष्पा ने कहा, ''मैडम, अपने बच्चे को स्क्रीन पर समय बिताने से बचाना बहुत मुश्किल है।''

मैंने कहा "पुष्पा #विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार 18 महीने की उम्र तक के बच्चे को बिल्कुल भी स्क्रीन देखने की अनुमति नहीं देनी चाहिए। 2-5 वर्ष की आयु में #विशेषज्ञों द्वारा #अनुशंसित स्क्रीन टाइम अधिकतम #एक घंटा है।"

पुष्पा ने कहा, "मैडम जब बच्चा स्क्रीन से चिपका रहता है, तो उसकी गतिविधि जैसे #दौड़ना, सवाल पूछना, #ड्राइंग और #पेंटिंग करना सब #कम हो जाता है।kn इसलिए उस समय के दौरान, वह एक तरह से #शारीरिक रूप से सक्रिय रहता है। केवल उसका/ उसका दिमाग काम कर रहा है जो बच्चे के विकास के लिए #अच्छा नहीं है'

मैंने आगे कहा 'इसलिए जो बच्चे स्क्रीन पर अधिक समय बिताते हैं उनकी #संचार कौशल #कम हो जाती है। उन्हें वहां का माहौल #नकारात्मक लगता है इसलिए इस तथ्य का बच्चे के #व्यक्तित्व पर प्रभाव पड़ता है।'

कहानी से सीख-माता-पिता को बच्चों को #गुणवत्तापूर्ण समय देना चाहिए ताकि उनकी #संचार कौशल विकसित हो। माता-पिता के साथ बिताया गया यह समय बच्चों के #आस-पास-वातावरण को सकारात्मक बनाता है। यह सब समग्रता में बच्चे के व्यक्तित्व को #सकारात्मक बनाता है। 

सुकर्मा थरेजा

पूर्व छात्र आईआईटीके


Pious thought -experience


One day one student asked me"madam which is the #highest treasure in one's life"


      I said "dear student #'good thoughts'   are biggest treasure of one's life.  Money and #power can take one person on wrong path if one does not do #introspection.But one's good thoughts will always inspire one for  thoughtful #karma(actions) '. 

      I further said" Other biggest treasure in one's life is "experience of life".#Experience  got by facing hard life make one very #strong. It is also true some times experience in one's life is stronger than #advise one gets in life.Sometimes one understand difficult concepts of life by #facing life but not through somebody's teaching.Therefore one should never feel scared of getting experience in life. Going through  experience one gets sacred and precious teachings in one's life. 

Moral of story -experience is greater teacher compare to  advise taken from senior person in life. 


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK




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