Expensive Gift

 I met group of students at market. I was so happy to see my students. 

I asked"very happy to see you students. 

It seems you have come to #restaurant for lunch. One of student said. "Today is our friend Akash #birthday. He has invited us for party in #evening at home. We have come to buy #gift for him. There is #discussion going on among us. Some of us are of opinion we should buy #expensive gift. Some are of opinion we should buy gift which Akash should be able to #use. Others are of opinion we should #handover cash to Akash so that he could buy gift of his choice. Madam it is very #thought ful to buy gift for a friend. "

I said "very fine students enjoy yourself. ".I  further said "do you know which is most expensive gift one can give to some one. " Students gave many answers. I said"students most expensive gift in life is to #help someone in time of need".One student said why"I said, dear student to help someone one need #large heart. It is #rare to find #persons in world with large heart. "All students said " Oh  yes madam you are #absolutely right"

Moral-If one wants to give most #expensive gift to someone, best is to help one at #time of need. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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