Pious thought -experience


One day one student asked me"madam which is the #highest treasure in one's life"


      I said "dear student #'good thoughts'   are biggest treasure of one's life.  Money and #power can take one person on wrong path if one does not do #introspection.But one's good thoughts will always inspire one for  thoughtful #karma(actions) '. 

      I further said" Other biggest treasure in one's life is "experience of life".#Experience  got by facing hard life make one very #strong. It is also true some times experience in one's life is stronger than #advise one gets in life.Sometimes one understand difficult concepts of life by #facing life but not through somebody's teaching.Therefore one should never feel scared of getting experience in life. Going through  experience one gets sacred and precious teachings in one's life. 

Moral of story -experience is greater teacher compare to  advise taken from senior person in life. 


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK




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