Connection- Little Little Quanta

 I am fond of doing science arts writing. To educate young minds about concept of little quanta in form of poem.Same I am listing for students.

Little Quanta

We know,
At the,
Macroscopic level have,
Fixed trajectories here,
Fixed trajectories there,
But some thing
At the,
Subatomic level has,
Quantum this,
Quantum that.

All race,
All caste,
All creed,
Have no boundaries,
As we are ,
All made of,
The same stuff,
As we have same ,
Basic organic chemistry,
We are,
All connected of,
Space and time domain,
By little little quanta,
Our creator
Almighty! GOD

Sukarma Tharea

Alumnus IITK



Are you Doing Lawful Activity


My friend Nisha’s daughter Radha took admission in engineer college thinking that this education degree will fetch her good salary. But she was very good in fine arts. She used to do that very often as and when she got time. Radha  soon reslized that fine arts make her happy.After doing engineering she persuaded fine arts. She got many good opportunities to do so. 

Radha soon reslized one  can do anything in this world that one really want to do.

Radha got married .Her in laws were good but they always thought it is good that Radha fetch job on bases of engineering degree and pursue her career in this. But Radha wanted to pursue fine arts. She did so. She is doing well in fine arts job. She soon realized one doesn’t have to do anything in this world that one doesn’t really want to do.

Friends it is good to do activity what one wishes to do.But activity should be lawful activity. I know students in my institute who have skill of hacking any computer system.I always sincerely advice these students just because they can do something unlawful, doesn’t mean they must do that.They must understand that Institute has make one capable, so that one could become good citizens of country. So it is not advisable for students do any unlawful activity. This is not going to make students life meaningful. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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