Exploration Lunar

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 Chandrayaan-3; consists of Robert duo #lander Vikram and #rover Pragyan,
On August 23,2023 successfully landed on south pole surface #lunar,
This good news was shared with joy by world #space lovers,
Since then #Robert duo, have been #conducting experiment –series,
Actively exploring #south pole surface lunar.

With #Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope(LIBS),
And #Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer(APXS),
Found out element #Sulphur, Iron, Chromium,
Oxygen, Calcium along with silicon,
 Pragyan, on lunar south pole surface,
Of course!  also found Titanium,
 Used in building fighter planes,
Manganese, Sulphur are there; also Aluminium Mine ,
Underway is also search for #lightest element Hydrogen.

Big achievement wow Pragyan!
 Says science world in voice one,
With all these activities of Pragyan,
Is shivering unique #lunar surface,
Pleasant experiences Shares;
 Dear Robert lander Vikram , .
Chandrayaan- 3 mission great has positioned,
India; my dear mother land,
As a leading player in #exploration lunar,
Whole world praising ISRO- India,
For achievements of #Chandrayaan-3,Vikram - Pragyan.









Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK 1986
e Mail-sukarma@iitk.ac.in 



Woman Scientist life-spiced tea


Today’s women scientists,
 Work very hard toward their #passion for science,
They boil themselves like spices in tea,
When fresh researcher in lab science,
 They are like pure milk -fresh cool,
While working in lab science,
They get crushed like ginger in spiced science tea,
With their own power analytical,
 And scientific aptitude they add #flavours,
 Of sugar to science #spiced tea.

Today’s women scientist are not only home makers,
 But CEO of established lab #prestigious,
 They use spices like no fear for storms of technology-science,
 Understanding of every #utility app of science,
Writing #algorithm for #Artificial intelligence,
  In proportion appropriate,
 In making science spiced tea.

Women scientist noble #souls have big passion,
 To work for world level program science,
They do not mind If their spiced tea of science,
  Is in earthen pot or bone china,
 In US NASA, #Gaganyan or# Chandaryaan India.

Words three beautiful,
Women #scientist always keep ready in their pocket,
And make spiced tea of science,
 With true #spirit of science,
And try for better future of #humanity,
 With #infinite trust in almighty,
In hearts of one and all,
They are remembered fondly,
For their significant role dual,
 Excellent/makers #spiced tea of science.

Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK 1986
e Mail-sukarma@iitk.ac.in
Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja:
9781521260067: Amazon.com: Books
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When will chromosomes XX Will be Equal to YY


It is very difficult for Rani to forget formula which decides gender formation ie male/female in any species, ie #xx=xy (pair of chromosomes)which she was taught in tenth class by her biology teacher. Why this formula haunts Ms Rani till today is a #million dollar question. She cannot forget, how in pressure from her mother in law and husband she got her self aborted few times ,because she was carrying a baby girl. To some extent she was also party to that awful decision.

She understands what she did, was a sin—–and she was #morally incorrect. But why she took this decision –she has no concrete convincing answer to herself till today. The fact that she cannot share this black truth of her life with anyone in this world, even with her own dear and near ones is a big pain for her. Rani knows that valid questions like—Are you mad #Rani?—What is the point in getting so much education if you can’t face the world?-etc—etc will be raised if she shares this secret with any one, even if they are her own sisters. It is also a fact, that all said and done, she is not ready to become mother to her second #daughter at any cost. When she looks back her own journey—those sad dark patches of her life journey and unhappy experiences that make her #reinforce her decision, that what action she took was right though it is painful for her till today.

Rani works as a helper in canteen of famous women college in Delhi, and happens to get #platform of interaction with women coming from different walks of life. During many meaningful conversation ,they convey her that time has come that Indians will study necessary and sufficient conditions of this genetic formula, xx=xy. and very soon will implement those conditions in Indian society, in such a way that each citizen of’ India today ‘will feel pride , comfortable and will get equal right and opportunity. They try to convince Rani that very soon in India the formula xx<xy will become xx=xy.

For Rani it is , nothing but a #dirty joke. She knows that for states of her country like Haryana and Punjab formula xx<xy is still valid today. It is also a known fact that god made this genetic formula xx=xy , but for our convenience we converted this formula to xx<xy. Rani some time in her ideal time ask these questions to herself–Who are we to change this formula—just for our own #convenience—,how long all this will go on in our society.

Enough is enough, but Rani is still waiting after 74 years of independence, that when we Indians ,who boast of our cultural, spiritual and science- technical know how heritage, will come out from these #conservative believes and assure ‘Aam nari’(ordinay Indian woman) like Rani that TV serials like ‘satyamev jayte’ will not get buried in history of India . When will ’ Aam nari’ (ordinay Indian woman) get justice from her own society ,and will feel proud in giving birth to #female child ?

How this will be possible? Rani always ask these questions to her self. yes !it is possible Rani, ‘didi ji’ in my college tells me, if we all sincerely , salute to blessings of #mother hood and count our blessings and recognize the talent, beauty and importance of little bundle of joys and change our #mental set up.

Rani is hopeful and still waiting for that new auspicious morning—



Sukarma Rani Thareja
Alumnus IIT-K(1986)
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
CSJM Kanpur University
Kanpur-208001 , UP, India.



How much is index of Luxury of life.

 I am school teacher.I love my job.I am dealing little kids and I can mold them as I want. I am so happy during my teaching time  I have #inculcated so many good #values in my students.Some of my students are doing so well in life.I am so so happy for them.
Many of my students when visit me,often ask me question madam how cum you remain happy as school #teachers are not paid well. 
My short answer to them is friends #happiness comes from inside not from outside.
During my #co curricula activity class once I talked to students about topic #'happiness"
My submissions which I wish to share with my esteem readers were following

Happiness in life lead to success on other hand success in life may not lead to happiness.

For #materialistic gains ,or sometimes for #fame gain, one does do over work.Some times ones health is also at stake.But one never evaluates one self.One keeps working and  some time during exercise forget to give any priority to ones family.In the end one gets financial gains but looses track of ones family and feel very lonely.In other words in this exercise of materialistic gain one looses ones peace of mind.One always has feelings as if something is lost in life.

People who always make work life balance in life are always at peace with them selves.

The best example is our mothers.They are busy all day. Even on Saturday or Sunday, kitchen work for mothers seem unending.

Mother is on her toes since morning. Towards the evening when mom is tired ,unable to bear it, she steps out of the home leaving her helper to look after kitchen.

She walks across the street to temple nearby  to distribute food to orphan children. That relieves her tiredness and gets her peace of mind. The energy one give the world is the energy one receive.

This is a typical case of looking inside ourselves for something that we have with us.

My mother has been telling me "my child! many of us travel across the lengths and breadths of the earth and also visit various shrines and holy places to find peace.Eventually, we come to realize that peace is within us at all times in our #own heart & mind.Peace of mind comes from being content with ourselves & being grateful for what we have with us."

There is a peaceful way of going through life, but all depends on our #willingness to change our attitude towards everything in life.

The older we get, the more we realize... the ultimate #luxury of life is #"Peace of Mind". So friends!never leave ones peace of mind ,whatever may be ones circumstances.

Moral of story-if one keeps tension and sadness in ones heart one can never be happy.If one has roses of sweet memories of time spent doing  assigned duties honestly one is always happy.

Am I Getting Old?

My grand children often tell me" granny you are getting old".I am listing below  conversation between me and my grand child for reference of my esteem readers.

 Grandchild- you are no longer our old time dear granny, you have  become different,you have  distant yourself from  many previous activities, you used to carry out regularly, sad, and lonely.


No my child I am not getting old, but  I am getting wise.

I have stopped being what others like me to become, but what I like I do.

I stopped seeking the acceptance of others and have accepted myself.

I have left behind the lying mirrors that deceive me mercilessly.

- No, I'm not getting old.

Grand child-granny you have  just become more selective with places, people, customs, and ideologies.

Most of time you let go of attachments, unnecessary pain giving activities, toxic people, sick souls, and rotten hearts... bitterness and unhappiness ,

 You have understood it is better to release them.

That itself has given you better health.

Yes I agree with you granny you are not getting old.

Granny-my child I'm not going to night parties now a days, so that the same time I could spend in learning new things and heal my insomnia.

I have stopped living old  stories and started writing new stories, I have thrown aside all stereotypes things in my life.

I no longer use any cosmetics now. I carry a book in my bag that beautifies my mind.

Yes my child I'm not getting old.

Grand child-you try best to carry freshness in your soul, and remain innocent in your heart.  I observe  everyday you discover your self.

You have become nature lover and always keep charming smile on you face

You love to hear the chirping of the birds that delight you and accompany you in your  morning and evening walk.

 Yes my dear granny I agree you are  not getting old.

Granny-I have  become selective in spending my time,I  rewrite story in form of blog , which  I've experienced in my science research lab, told by my friends,aunts and teachers and researchers.In a way I am rediscovering world. I am reading old books I've forgotten  or have read only half .

I'm becoming more cautious. I've stopped visiting outbursts that teach me nothing,  I'm learning to cultivate knowledge, plant ideals, and believing in my destiny.

Moral of story- how much science technology advance,internet come and go.Through her disciplined way of   living  Granny teach grandchildren value system unique which is rare to find in world.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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