How to Earn Money.


One day  I was talking to my student at metro station
while going back from school to home.
 Student was very much confused.He asked me "where ever
I go many of my friends always discuss which academic or
professional courses we should try to get in to make large
amount of money in shortest time."
I replied see dear student earning money can be through
two channels
1.One gives ones services and in return gets paid.
2.One sells some material goods to others and in
return get money.
Earning in any way with honesty demand lot of hard work
and dedication.
Some young minds may think cheaper ways of earning fast money.
For sure my student those ways may fascinate one
but in real sense one can be behind bars one day
or other.
It is okay one may earn less.But money earned legal way
with honesty is best.Never think that job x is not suited
because society  think  particular job very low.This is not
right.One should lay hands on that particular job,where
 one feels comfortable.That job particular gives one
 lot of satisfaction and one has potential to expand ones job. 
 Moral of Story-One should always follow ones passion
 sincerely money itself will flow.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK 1986


Countdown-Research Finding

 I left main gate of my #alma mater research lab with a heavy heart,

I count back from ten as I walk to my  #university main gate,

I thought about my #research lab,

How this holy #temple of research lab,

 Helped me in lovely journey,

Of my #passion for knowledge- science.


How lab blessed me on my head at Nine,

At Eight I smiled at me,

Lucky to be associated with such a #prestigious lab,

At one point in my life.


At seven  magical hands mine,

Shook with an important,

Science #equipment in lab, 

Six times I presented research results,

At #conferences international prestigious.


I refuse to go back home,

And always wished to be in research lab at Five,

At four I told my self how much I "adore my research lab ",

At three I said magical words"I love you",

To my research science lab.


At two I recollected pleasant experiences,

I got in my research science lab,

I looked at all the photographs,

Collection I took in research lab.


At one I closed, my house gate happily,

I went to my bed and closed my eyes,

Slept with important #research findings,

Close to my heart.,I carried in my research Science lab.




Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986




Chandrayaan-3- Vikram-Pragyan


Chandrayaan-3- Vikram-Pragyan


Chandrayaan-3; consists of Robert duo lander #Vikram and rover Pragyan,

On August 23,2023 successfully landed on south pole surface lunar,

This good news was shared with joy by world #space lovers,

Since then #Robert duo, have been conducting experiment –series,

Actively exploring south pole surface lunar.


With #Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope(LIBS),

And #Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer(APXS),

Found out element Sulphur, Iron, Chromium,

Oxygen, Calcium along with silicon,

 Pragyan, on lunar south pole surface,

Of course!  also found #Titanium,

 Used in building fighter planes,

Manganese, #Sulphur are there; also #Aluminium Mine ,

Underway is also search for lightest element #Hydrogen.


Big achievement wow Pragyan!

 Says science world in voice one,

With all these activities of Pragyan,

Is shivering unique lunar surface,

Pleasant experiences Shares;

 Dear Robert lander Vikram , .

Chandrayaan- 3 mission great has positioned,

India; my dear mother land,

As a leading player in #exploration lunar,

Whole world praising #ISRO- India,

For achievements of @Chandrayaan-3,Vikram - Pragyan.


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



Mile Stone -Mother Nation


Game Changer for New Generation.


Moon uncle, moon uncle,! please

Open your door,

My mother earth has sent holy thread of love for you dear uncle.

I have traveled to you through launch vehicle Mk-lll(LVM3)

To gain knowledge about you so to benefit human mankind


I am Robotic duo Vikram- Prgyan part of chandrayan-3 from India –Earth dear uncle,

I have touched down softly near your south pole today -23rd August(6.03 pm Indian standard time)dear uncle.

MY mother nation, fourth country stick to your (lunar) landing is a mile stone for my mother nation India dear uncle.

I will spend one Lunar day(about 14 Earth days)  and explore you: my new home, dear uncle

with goal of collecting scientific data about you (uncle)dear uncle,

 Before my batteries drain after sunset: moon uncle

 I will probe about your South Pole surface and will  transfer the relevant data information to my mother land India Earth; dear uncle,


 There are seven instruments on my board moon uncle.

which will probe many new science from this mission,


1. Chandra’s Surface Thermo physical Experiment (ChaSTE) ChasTE will probe your(lunar) soil and will record its variations in temp on South Pole of your





2.LASER Induced Breakdown Spectroscope(LIBS)will take care of qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis to derive the chemical Composition and infer mineralogical composition to further our understanding of Lunar-surface.


Please do not shiver dear moon uncle,

When Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA) ILSA ask about your where about.

ILSA measures #seismicity around the landing site and  explore the structure of the your(lunar) crust.


4.#SHAPE will explore about possibilities of life on your surface moon uncle

5. #RAMBHA-LP's primary objectives are to measure different parameters of the plasma above the surface of the Moon.


6. LRA is a passive experiment to understand the #dynamics of you( Moon) system.


7.APXS will determine the elemental #composition of your(Lunar) Surface in surrounding region of landing site dear uncle,


Your surface soil, rocks and water exploration and #mineral identification are my main goals to come to you dear moon uncle,


When sun sets upon your landing site uncle moon,

 our #robotic duo will be left to fight moon uncle,

a #frigid night which will be difficult to survive, because our(duo)batteries will be drained out moon uncle,

And it is too cold for our(duo) electronics to work,

We will sleep for a while dear uncle,

I am a #game changer for new generation dear uncle,

We have miles to go before we sleep dear uncle.


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK




Her academic venture  as an artist and photographer has featured in the form of book(paper back)

science of Life and Nature(Paper Back): A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Books(10 dollars)

Amazon US link :

Amazon UK link:


Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Rani Thareja:

Kindle e-book (2.98 dollar)


2.Making-Science-Easy-Poetry-Collection-ebook/dp/B09777MG33 –(1.98 dollars)




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