Round the Year

 I am December 2023 who is leaving with respect to #time. In continuation my friend january 2024 is #coming. We both are travellers in domain of #time. I December 2023 is rich in #experience while my friend January 2024 has to explore many new #adventures.

My(December 2023) #face is different from my friend January 2024.I am #end of year while my friend January 2024 is  #beginning of year. I have so many sweet and bad memories while my friend (jan 2024) is full of #hopes. 

Both of us are two ends of same #thread. We are too far off yet we are so #close. 

But friends (dec 2023-jan 2024)when we friends part with each other we make #festival for people of #world-HNY. 

Moral of story -magic of #December of previous year and January of coming year bring colours , hope, dreams for people of# world. 

Happy new Year 2024

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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