Success is not Achieved by Force


I was teaching in school.I was taking students for picnic in hill area few Km away from our school.

While on a picnic trip, I once called all students of my group  and told my students.“come here, students while pointing at a big rock.See these tiny drops of water, hitting over this stone?” I said students.

“What is special about these drops madam

“Look how tiny and delicate these drops are,” I said while placing my hand under the dripping water.

I stretched my hand to feel each drop of water hitting my hand.

“There’s a big lesson in each of these drops!” I told student.

Students stared at me with surprise and asked, “What do you mean madam-its not clear to us.

These drops of water remind one about ones life accomplishments. Everything that one ever achieved in life has been only through intentional perseverance and focus.

 I told students“See this huge rock below, receiving each drop?”

“Yes?”  answered students.

“Isn’t it remarkable that such a delicate drop of water can wear down and shape this stone?

Is it so,with surprise answered students.How Small they are, sometimes insignificant drops of “progress” have sculpted this rock.”

To answer your question students,which you some time ask me in school, what is the secret to success?I am giving you this live example.

In life, success is achieved not by force, but through focused, constant, relentless persistence as these little drops are doing.

Moral of story is friends to get success in life  please be focused persistent in your work like little drops.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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