Never Stop Learning

Other day I was happy to meet my girl student Nisha  in birthday party  whom I have taught long back.

As usual Nisha was sorry  that she is not a working mom.I told  Nisha never think this way.Nisha you are a home maker.Its okay you are not being formly paid but you are doing great contribution by raising your children which is not easy task to do if done in perfect manner.

I advised Nisha- please never stop learning. Learning is not only good for your brain, but also for your soul. It keeps you curious, open-minded, and creative. It helps you grow as a person and discover new things about yourself and the world. You don’t have to go back to school or take formal courses to learn something new. You can read books, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, take online classes, or learn from other people. The important thing is to challenge yourself and expand your horizons.

Nisha when you will keep learning, you will get creative ideas that will help you in parenting. Once mother is active learner ,then her children get inspired from their mother and become active learner.

Moral of Story is mother is central point of any family.If mother is active learner then her whole family will be on right path of  hard work and will be finding joy in working with their own hands.

sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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