Is an Old Age a Miracle

People often say age is just a number. They are right to some extent 

Sometimes I feel different numbers about my age. 

I feel very different. 

Sometimes I share different experiences with my friends.Sometimes I do not.

So with lots of sincerity and courage, I am listing the same below.

Old age is very unique. It seems it changes many times in one day. As I got up in the morning, while trying to get out of bed there came a shooting pain in my shoulder. I got scared, but the pain went off after a while. I completely forgot about that.

I wore sports shoes and went for walk for 40 minutes. I felt oh! my God I am just fifty years old. I thought let me buy some essential things from the market. I took bath and did very light makeup. I saw myself in the full mirror I found that oh my God!I am just looking forty years old beautiful woman.

 After coming from the market I went inside the kitchen and made some banana cookies for the children. I felt like I am just thirty years old. In the evening I met some old friends and had good chat with them about our young days activities of the science research lab, my students,science problems we handled, I felt like I am in my twenties.

I came back home I realized that next year I will be seventy years old.

Everyday I learn new technique, but old experiences tell me my friends oh dear! completely live every moment of life with love and enthusiasm. Friends ! I am learning with age and is thankful for the growing sunshine
of(my)  spring, for the moments when the body and the mind are together.

Sukarma Thareja

 Alumnus IITK

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