How important is company one keeps

 When I was in school in my english class I was taught a idiom"man is known by the company he keeps ".Our english teacher made us make us sentence using the same idiom. But it didn't struck my chord at that time. 

As I grew up my mother taught me how to stich my torn clothes with help of sewing needle. In the process she taught me how to put  different type of stitches. 

I was very happy to learn stitching process and felt empowered that I can do something useful. My mother instructed me never to leave needle alone. As alone needle can be dangerous and can pierce someone skin, as a result some time blood also comes out. 

As soon my mother finished her instructions I told my mom"maa when needle is in good company of thread it's nature all together become different. She becomes useful as she does good task  of bringing two torn clothes together and make positive bridge. Important thing is it good example of idiom -man is known by  company he keeps ".my mother was happy to listen to my logical answer. 

Moral of story is one should try to be in company of good person, that will give one opportunity to learn positive things. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Pl read my book on Amazon

Science of life and nature :photo poetry collection by sukarma Rani Thareja

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