Higher Maths in School-Its Precious

 In India maths till class 10 is compulsory for all kids. In class 11 and 12th  students opting for PCM has to go for higher maths which include calculus and higher algebra containing  determinant and matrix etc. Parents know Math is Crucial to Kids’ Success — But Say It Needs an Update. 

Maths is seen as perhaps the most critical subject that children study and a key to their future life. But educators need to make their instruction more engaging and connected to students’ own lives. Many students told me in Class they got scared of higher maths as it became very abstract, and more over teaching of maths was so boring that students got disinterested. Maths is subject which need lot of practice which means lot of hard work. 

The survey, conducted by many research  Group,shows   the necessity of math skills in both promising career paths and the demands of everyday life. 

In India parents send children for maths tutoring from class 3 on wards. As parents  feel that their kids are not getting fully adequate preparation in school for subject like maths. A subject like maths, children will need to succeed later in life

Asked to choose among a list of academic subjects, 60 percent of the survey sample) named math as either “extremely important” or “very important,” more than for any other discipline. 

Parents strongly feel calculus should not be taught at class 11-12 level

In the main, complaints about math education related to its applicability to the world that students live in.  The subject was similarly described as less useful and engaging than it ideally would be, while sizable minorities of parents and teachers described our current approach to math as complicated, boring, useless and irrelevant.

 Many feel that make math more culturally relevant to disadvantaged and minority students. 

Parents, teachers, and the general public see a disconnect between the math education. “Parents and educators point to a solution: Making math education more relevant for students and more connected to the real world.

I was teaching statistical  thermodynamics to my M. Sc class ,upto my surprise I found there were many students in my class who left maths at class 10 th level. Many students get confused when I write 2x Or x**2.

I convinced my students that in world of science and technology where everything is going to be computer dependent it is not a right choice to stop studying maths at class 10 th level. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK



https://sites google.com/site/drsukarmaranithareja/

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