Is Technology a Blessing in Teaching


Technology vs Chalk Board -Expression on Paper
Two overlaping circles on blackboard Stock Picture , #Aff, #circles,  #overlaping, #blackboard, #Picture #AD | Stock images free, Circle, White  chalk
 Figure-Chalk Board

 When I was small we were given lot of emphasis on writing.There used to be

 competition in school about good writing at primary level.Every lesson was  taught 

with use of chalk board. There were no computers and lap top in our times. Every

 subject for learning involved lot of practice on paper.  We used to write notes of 

every subject on paper.

Free: Photo Of People Standing Near Chalk Board -
 Figure-Student standing near chalk board with mobile phone doing academic discussions.

 Now students are equipped with smart phones,lap tops,ipads,desk tops and 

availbilty of internet is almost 24 hours. One observes that digitization has

 decreased students concentration levels:. According to  one study, spending too

 much time on digital platforms including social media can result in a lack of focus

 and concentration. To reap the benefits of digitization and continue to benefit from

 using writing tools for self-expression, individuals need to marry the two methods

 to enhance cognitive processes.

 Classrooms have become more technologically friendly.  Students
 dependence on  technology   has increased so much that some
 time I find  that many of my students struggle when trying to 
complete school work without any digital aid. 

Moral of story is to increase student analytical power, educators should
 use mix mode to teach. Educator should use black board,chalk board to
 derive important points of lecture, for experimental demonstrations one can
 take help of video presentation. Friends all this I am writing from my own
 experience. This mixed mode of teaching help students take notes in class. 
They are always active and alert.Class room is always charged with positive 
energy. Teacher and taught both take best benefit from mix modes of teaching. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Win Win Situation


We had parent teachers association(PTA) in school.Its goal was to help students .Presence of parents in meeting  helped teachers in solving students personal problems.

As a parent and a teacher, we teachers were sometimes surprised at how many parents seem to take little to no interest in what or how their kids are doing in school, as well as how many parents push their children towards independence too early, for the sake of their own convenience .

We teachers were clear that if ones child is under age 10, and if parents can’t name a single thing their child learned in school this month, parents are not doing a good job as a parents. We all teachers agreed   that its okay if parents are not able to help kids with their homework (although it would be nice), but at least ask their child what they’re doing in school.

When students are ages 11–14. The older ones are pretty independent, but the younger ones still need a lot of guidance. Yet I’ve had 11-year-old students whose parents just didn’t seem to care what their kid was doing in school. Emails to the parents would be read but not responded to. Phone calls would go un returned. Parents looked bored in PTA, or never looked up from their phone in the PTA, or just never came to the PTA.

 Parent Teacher Meeting for... - Delhi Public School, Nagpur | Facebook



 We teachers some time get annoyed as some children .  were consistently late, hadn’t eaten, were unprepared, and looked like they just rolled out of bed. The kids weren’t home alone. The parents were there . Parents thought their kid was independent enough to get themselves ready and to school consistently every morning.

Many time we teachers were to buy lunches for students who had none. When teachers talked to the parents about it during PTA, some parents just said that the child was responsible for packing their own lunch every day. That’s fine… there’s nothing wrong with a kid that age being responsible… but we teachers used to  request , please parents  supervise your kid to make sure it’s done right.

We teachers used to feel sad for kids and always requested parents that kids are long term commitment ,but many parents will not understand the same.We were fortunate there were many good teachers in school.We collectively helped many students and we teachers found students  improved a lot.

Moral of story is that we as parents should help our kids as much as required.But parent must learn  with help of teacher, where to draw line that parent is not required to help, and how much a help kid requires.When cooperation of parents is extended to teacher that will be good to teacher,parents and students.That will be win win situation for parents,teachers and student.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Are You Helping in Secure Childhood of Nation?

I was teaching in primary school.teaching kids of 5-8 years is lot of fun. I had a student Asha very cute one.But some how she looked stressed out. I tried to inquire from Asha why it is so. From our interactive healthy conversation I came to know Asha has abusive father.My student Asha was growing up in an environment of constant threat, constant burdens, heavy burdens that influence Ashas  everyday function.I started reading about same and found that under constant fear  the stress system is activated excessively. It produces what we call toxic stress, and that disrupts the development of brain circuits during their critical periods. It disrupts the cardiovascular system. It disrupts the immune system and creates the foundation for a greater risk for a whole host of physical and mental health problems and difficulties and learning.That really made me great concern toward dear Asha.

I talked to our principal madam.Principal madam fixed zoom meeting with Asha's mother and requested  mother to help the child.Principal told mother that early experiences of childhood literally shape child's biology, create either a strong or a weak foundation for all the health, learning, and behavior that follow for a lifetime. I as class teacher was trying my best to make Asha happy and playful in school.

 Children Credit-Counter Currents.Org


There were students like Suman, Rekha, Rakesh whose parents were responsive, warm, sensitive, that is why these children were doing well in every activity of school.Their language development was good and they had secure attachment to their parents.

 The expression of warmth could differ across cultures, but I found there were parents who smile a lot and would demonstrate positive affect towards their babies. Their children had positive social developmental outcomes.There were students in my class who got negative experiences, because of exposure to family violence, chronic and harsh parenting, maltreatment, this threatens secure attachment of children and consequently   later social development of children were limited.

Unfortunately in India  our health sector will always look at child survival, they will look at immunization rates but they will not look at holistic development in sense that is their language, social-emotional development.

Moral of story is parents should give happy and secure childhood to their children.If parents are not able to do so, they are neither helping children nor society in development.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Journey-Rama to Krishna. - Dream

Rama And Krishna - Osho Arena

Scientist journey Rama to Krishna

There was summer vacation in my college. This time when I was off from my teaching duty I was trying to summarise results which I and my able students  got from science problem on which we were working for last one year.

Certainly it was best time for me to read some spiritual books also. This reading assignment gave me very precious results on my mind soul welfare. At the same time I was eagerly waiting for my son Ashok to come home, who was on his assignment abroad.

At night while I was in sleep I had dream that I am taking to my son Ashok. I am listing the same below.

Mom-I am so proud son! that you are on the path, of becoming a eminent research scientist. How are things otherwise dear Ashok.

Son-  Mom I am fine. It seems to me while in river of scientific knowledge boat, I do come across banks of evil, like war between nations. I wish to go towards divine shore, mom there are   clouds and rain in my journey. But it is such a pleasant surprise mom, I do get   wisdom in scientific life, between pleasure and pain.

Mom-son! as everything works because of science, please don’t slow down, your gain in pace, of scientific knowledge. With your scientific aptitude it is good you are enjoying teaching and learning every science concept with intentions good like lord Rama. Son please Keep active your drives and urge, for invention in science that’s what I sincerely wish for you.

Son- mom! in this auspicious journey, I have began to accept my deficiency,

I know good teachers, scientist and mentors to some length can hold their student and co -worker hand. I have also learnt mom! one cannot lean longer to anyone, If one wishes to climb in field of science success ladder.

Mom-  son! please remember materialistic presents are not promises. Your hard work with dedication is path best for scientific progress. Son! please do accept your short comings, with your head up and open eyes.

Son-Mom!  I have learnt mom that too much shine sun in my endeavour of science can some time give me deep skin burn. So mom!  I am trying my best to build my own roads, to get scientific success.

Mom-son! plant your own scientific garden by decorating your soul like lord Krishna,  teaching in Shrimad Bhagvad Gita.

Son- mom, in scientific projects I learn and, apply every science concept in depth, Which endure me and make me strong.

Mom-son! basic mantra is to learn, learn and learn and make others learn with good intentions. With every good bye to scientific project executed, in between please do observe silence and introspect my son !.

Son! I am so happy in learning- teaching journey faithfully you tried your best, to live your life imitating lord Rama, and in process you have evolvedyourself  as promising eminent scientist.

Son- mom! I wish I could inspire love- scientific knowledge truth, among masses more and light path which leads our youth For future brightness.

 Mom now I am moving towards,  evening of my scientific life.  I wish I could follow teachings of Gita-Shrimad Bhagvad.  I am trying to imitate lord Krishna in scientific and personal life, forming good policies for scientific world, making serious efforts to fight for peace- humanity.

Mom -yes son! I am old now, but when I look back I am so happy about your scientific Journey -  a process,  started with imitating lord Rama, observing science dharama  Which will remain incomplete till it ends, in lord Krishna-who sought adharama, destroyed it and established dharma ( mindful observation). I am sure son! with your honest efforts you will, be successful in completing your call, A mission-full of endeavours- scientific- journey.

Suddenly I could hear chirping of birds in my ears. Oh! my God I was doing fruitful scientific spiritual conversation with my son Ashok in my dream. I thanked God for same and soon realised science will be able to explain process of dream very soon I suppose. It was time to get up since it was morning---but whole day I was engrossed in my conversation with my son which was in dream---



Dr Sukarma Rani Thareja,

Associate Professor-Retired

CSJM University

Alumnus IIT-K-1986,Ph.D(Chemistry)



Pl read-;



Make Bridges not Walls




Other day I was answering student's relevant questions that what are # main gifts one gets  from God those can give someone a huge edge over others:

My  submissions were following

1. Being born in a # developed country,2. being born in a rich family, 3, being born with good looks.

My explanation to above listed facts were following

Let me explain why. Being born in a developed country friends one has access to better education, health care, infrastructure, and opportunities than most people in the world. One  doesn't have to worry about war, famine, disease, or poverty as much as someone who lives in a less fortunate place. One also has more freedom and # rights to pursue ones dreams and goals.

Being born in a rich family means one has more resources and support to achieve ones potential. One doesn't have to struggle to make ends meet or work hard to pay for ones education or basic needs. One can afford to travel, learn new skills, start a business, or do whatever one want. One also has more connections and influence to get ahead in ones # career or society.

Being born with good looks means one has more advantages in social situations and  # relationships. One is more likely to attract attention, admiration, and love from others. One is more likely to be perceived as confident, intelligent, and trustworthy. One also has more opportunities to benefit from ones appearance, such as getting better jobs, deals, or favors.

One doesn't choose where one is born, who ones parents are, or how one looks. One just inherit them from ones # genes and environment. And yet they can make a huge difference in ones life chances and opportunities.

There are other relation ships which one build 

These relationships are to be developed with trust , respect and honesty. # Emotional intelligence,positive attributes  of ones personality and trust contribute to these relationships.

Unfortunately some time it so happens that one happens to show ones worst  qualities to ones life partner or relationship.Friends please never ever do that.Please do # build trust with your partner in marriage or relationship.In other words be willing to give as well receive.It is necessary for both partners to feel comfortable with the level of giving and receiving.

Moral of story is one should be thankful for gifted traits given by God in form of # DNA and environment and should always use them for right cause in right direction in life.

Similarly one should build relationships in life like making bridges(photo above showing building bridge between body soul through # YOGA) and avoid making walls in life through ones honesty,trust and intelligence

Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IIT-K

Molecule Who Contribue Most to Life

 Picture showing what a water molecule looks like on an atomic level

Water Molecule Source: Maureen Feinman


 One day in my dream while doing my routine walk I met very important molecule on my way.After exchange of greetings, molecule containing two Hydrogen and one oxygen atom started talking to me.He told me"madam mostly I am available in liquid form. I have trick for you.One of the simplest and most effective ways to improve your health is to drink more of me.   I am essential for your body and mind, and I can give you many benefits that you may not be aware of."

-" I can help you stay hydrated and energized. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, mood swings, and even affect your cognitive performance. Drinking enough of me can prevent these symptoms and keep you alert and focused throughout the day."

"I help you flush out toxins and waste from your body. I am involved in many processes that regulate your metabolism, digestion, circulation, and immunity. Drinking more of can help your body get rid of harmful substances and maintain a healthy balance."

"I help you improve your skin and hair quality. I am vital for keeping your skin and hair hydrated and nourished. Drinking more of me can help you prevent dryness, dullness, and breakage, and give you a radiant and youthful appearance."

"I help you control your appetite and weight. I can make you feel full and reduce your cravings for unhealthy snacks and drinks. Drinking more of me can also boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories."

"As you can see,madam  drinking more of me is one of the best life lessons you can learn about health. Its simple, cheap, and effective, and it can make a huge difference in your well-being."

I very humbly asked him gentleman   may I know your name please.

Yes madam you can not miss me. I am your favourte liquid  WATER.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Daughter-Mother Duo


My friend Sita got married in very nice family.Her mother in law Mrs Raka was very much concerned about my friend Sita's need. Raka will communicate with Sita for every bit of her need. Sita soon realised communication is key to a healthy and happy relationship.

 Sita's in laws  gave powerful advice that saved Sita and her husband  a lot of stress and trouble in the long run. Living below one means spending less than one earns, saving some money for emergencies and future goals, and avoiding unnecessary debt was her in laws precious advise This way, Sita enjoyed  her life without worrying about money all the time.

Sita's family valued  about unity of family. Howsoever strong one might be in this world, family and friends are important part of ones life. They'll provide one with all kinds of support to fight the situations. One can't win a battle alone folks! So Raka taught Sita how to cherish ones loved ones and not to take them for granted.

Raka  and Sita will go to favourte salon in the morning or soon after it opens for hair cut.Raka believed that hair stylist would be fresh and more creative in morning . A good haircut can boost ones confidence and make one feel good about oneself was strong belief of Raka.

Sita's mother in law Raka taught   Sita to massage her feet daily before sleeping.  Most of ones body's acupressure points lie on ones feet. Massaging them can stimulate blood circulation, relax ones muscles, and improve ones overall health.

Soon after two years Sita and Raka strong bonding was visible to every one.Everyone thought duo were daughter -mother not daughter in law- mother in law. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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