Memory- a Gift of God


Memory- a Gift of God

Everyday my dear granny goes to temple,

 To light candles before God,

 She prays on bended knees for our well fare,

My dear granny cook food for me every day,

People say granny does her routine duty,

But friends more than routine duty,

 She is more exposed to same activity,

Like a golfer practicing a swing thousands of times.

 That makes stronger connections,

 Between neurons in granny’s brain,

In return she gets gift of God-good Memory.


People also ask me how come your granny,

 Is so active and energetic with sound memory,

The secret is my granny also does project challenging,

 Along with her routine duties with amicable joy,

She does creative activities like reading fictions and painting,

 Learns new skills to make her brain active and strong.


Fact is each of the brain’s 100 billion nerve cells,

 Can have 10,000 connections to other nerve cells.

These creative projects my granny does,

 Makes- synapses, creates new circuits,

 Between nerve cells, which essentially remaps her brain.

The sheer number of possible connections due to creative activities,

Gives granny’s brain unfathomable flexibility,

 And builds up functional reserves,

 That provide safety valve against future cell-neurons loss,

That makes granny’s memory strong.

If my granny avoids doing creative challenging activities,

Then some parts of her brain’s neurons,

 Which are not being used regularly,

 Will automatically get pruned,

Granny’s brain will be in state of mental pruning,

That will make granny’s memory weak.


Friends! to retain good memory -gift of God, best is one should remain,

 Engaged in creative activities like my granny,

 Let ones brain do challenging activities,

So to have strong connection between neurons of brain,

As memory is game of connections,

Please do treasure this God gift of good memory.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986

Associate professor-Retired

CSJM University


Web site-sukarma thareja
please do read

science of Life and Nature(Paper Back): A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Books(10 dollars)

Amazon US link :







Are you Independent Woman


I  worked for IT company.Just after my marriage for this IT job, I used to travel for office, assignment five days a week.I was loaded with deadlines.My   salary was credited every month,and people called me” independent” woman.

After some time,I was blessed with child. Raising child was a big pleasure for me.I decided to leave my job for few years,to raise my child comfortably.

I used to stay at home.I Worked for the husband and family,cooked for family,I used to decide what they should eat, so that they could have control, over their health and happiness,took care of the children.I also  monitored their growth, behavior and their education, helped them with with their study and life, and tried my best to build their overall best personality,managed the expenses  of the house. I was happy with my selfless contribution to family,

Up to my surprise,people around called me now called me“dependent”  woman.I got impression that people consider, this path of woman,as something like act of  slavery.Being mother and home maker,I searched the dynamics of same.The fundamental problem here was,people measured ‘being independent’  woman with only money,

When I earned  money,  I was named as ” independent” woman.In my opinion  I was not. I was only financially” independent.After some soul searching I concluded,to start with, marriage is all about being inter-dependent, husband brings in some value,and wife brings in some value to make the, marriage beautiful experience for both of them. This ‘value’ need not be always money, It could be time, service, management, comfort etc,

There is nothing wrong in being a house-husband, Or house-wife as long as their partner is okay with it.Being” independent” is just one fancy imaginative term. A family, corporation, or any ecosystem sustains, because the people inside are inter-dependent,I wish society understands this basic philosophy,and stop labeling woman  as “independent” or “dependent” woman, and respect her for her selfless contribution to family,society and nation,and name her as “nation” pride.

Sukarma Thareja
alumnus IITK 1989

Are your kids Glued to Mobile Phones

Recently I visited# primary school kids in my village primary

 school.It was a pleasant experience.Children did not have
 smart  phones. 
In my city school I have met more children under the age of five
 than  I can count, where when I spoke to  them or ask them 
a question, they reply without making  #eye  contact
I read years ago that one of the major problems  with
#phones is that parents no longer make eye contact with their
 children. This is a big problem because learning# language,
 connecting with others, and attention spans are all super
 influenced by eye contact which is missing because of use
 of smart phones.

My sister is a teacher of third grade kids and she  said none 
of them make eye contact with her. Furthermore, after
 spending a whole year with their classmates,she noticed
 her class kids don’t know more than half of  the names of
 their classmates. That didn’t happen in our school days,
 We knew every kid of our class.

To correct this unpleasant situation, my sister now makes her
 third graders say hello to each other, every single student 
in the class, by name every morning  while making eye contact.

I’ve also noticed in cities hardly any  kid play outside.   When 
we were small  my #neighborhoods were filled with kids  outside.
We used to ride bikes or play  sports . Now  to my  surprise
 all outside places of playing are  empty everywhere .All these
 odd happening have strong reasons  and my submission
 why it is so is following.

 1.I know a lot of parents of little kids  use # iPads as a 
 babysitter. I see how tempting it is, it keeps children
 quiet at dinner or when they’re # bugging their parents.
 But, I think it’s not a right approach to do so.It is going
 to have some detrimental effects on  creativity or social
 interaction skills of small kids.

2.Another observation which made me think deeply is when
 kids  come  to middle and high school, I  noticed they’re all
 glued to  their phones. They take social media with them 
everywhere.  It’s like they never leave school talking to
 friends online.
3. First of all, that’s super distracting.  I myself wouldn’t 
have focused as  well in school  if I had a smart phone at
 that time. Second, phone indues # anxiety.
 High school was enough  hard for me, I distinctly remember 
when  I used to go home, home at  night I was a # uncool kid.
 I can’t imagine having my whole  life on display in #smart phone
 when my little #brain was  still developing and I had so much

My observations written in this article might sound
 like I’m a very old woman who hates on technology.But friends 
these are my observations.Its high time we should think# positive for
about our next generation while using smart phone technology 
for  teaching. 
 Moral of story-I just feel that the current generation is
 a #science experiment  as being the first generations raised
 by technology, and  I think we’re starting to see the
 effects of it.Let us be# responsible citizen/parents and use
 technology  for making positive impact on# next generation.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK

Different Indian curries


 India is a vast country.It has many states.Each state is
 unique in its  traditions and very importantly in
 food curries.Food is still a very important activity
 of woman in India .Food diversity in India is absolutely
 mind-boggling so is Indian curries.
I am fond of cooking.Being chemistry teacher I enjoy making
 my own receipies and I also  do try them as and when I get
 time.  We Indian make different type of curries.We friends
 some time  do discuss  different curries,   gravies in
 our Indian  cooking and their methods of prepration.
My  friend Asha wanted me to write number  of different
 curries in form of little article so that she
 could send the same to her daughter living in USA.I wrote
 short summary of different Indian curries.My submission
 is following
 The Western and outside world thinks Indian curry is
 just one reddish oily one, either it is veg or nonveg.

But it is not so. We have the following types of curries,
 depending on the main ingredients.Few I am listing below.

1.Regular ground onion, red chillies, tomato curry..
 Like in chicken curry

2.Mashed lentils (dhals) chilly powder, tamarind gravy
.. Like in sambaar

3.Plain mashed dhal with red chillies and ghee…
as in dhal tadka

4.Onion, green chillies, tomato curry.. Tomato gravy
 for rice and chapathis

5.Onion, chilly powder, tomato curry..
 Like in potato - peas gravy

6.Onion, chilly powder, tamarind curry.. 
As in Chennai dish kara kuzhambu or Madras spicy red gravy

7.Onion, green chillies, coconut paste curry..
 Like in kurumas, Kerala gravies

8.Red chillies, tamarind, coconut curry..
 Like Mangalore gravies

9.Onion, chillies, cashew/almond paste,/cream curry..
 Like Lucknowy and Kashmiri curries

10.Bengal gram green chillies ground together with curd added
 last…Tamil butter milk gravy

11.Bengal gram powder, curd, green chillies curry…
 As in  Punjabi kadi

12.Onion, black pepper and tamarind curry..
 Milagu kozhambu..Tamilian pepper gravy,

Moral of Story-Friends We need one chilly/ pepper type,
 one base and one sour  balancer or sweet balancer.

The base can be onion,cooked dhal, bengal gram paste,
 ground coconut,tomato, curds, tamarind, 
fresh cream, almond or cashew or poppy seeds.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK

Web site-sukarma thareja


Her academic venture  as an artist and photographer has featured in the form of book(paper back)

science of Life and Nature(Paper Back): A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Books(10 dollars)

Amazon US link :

Amazon UK link:

Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Rani Thareja:

Kindle e-book (2.98 dollar)

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