Teachers Unbaked-Pitchers

 Some time my students tell me"school teaching is very hard job.Even salary structure is also not good,

but madam you still keep very strong opinion that teaching job is most suited to me"

I told my student"My parent in laws are old and  have 45 years of married life together

The pattern of their flights that I observe is always the same. They always try to change each other, which seems impossible. Both have individual personality.Out of love and concern about ones loved one health and safety issues,I have seen more and more people like my in laws who tend to change their dear near ones.  However, in this process, they forget their originality. They try to impose their wishes and habits on their loved ones. which sometimes is suffocating for them"

Friends but  in our teaching job we teachers get opportunity to inculcate good habits in our children/students by practicing good habits ourselves. We can teach them the right things until they are children.Its such a joy to make changes  in unbaked pitchers-our students.

 The pitcher that is already baked(adults) will break if we try to change its shape.

We teachers find a lot of things that could be improved in society. But it is very hard for us(teachers)to change parents, spouses, neighbors, colleagues, because they are baked, solid, and hard.

In process of teaching we teachers  bring positive changes in ourselves also. We  learn to ignore things and let others live how they want.Some times if need arise, we maintain a distance from them to suppress unnecessary conflicts.

Moral of story-Education is process and not product.We teachers are important part of education.Teachers are always involved with unbaked pitchers(students) therefore are nation builder .




Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Web site-sukarma thareja


e Mail-sukarma@iitk.ac.in


What is contained in your Life -Cup

 I often talk to my students to give them informal education whenever I get opportunity to do so. I always keep in mind these small advises which they seek unknowingly will go with them long way in their life. After the small purposeful talk I often try to put in form of little article and paste on my school notice board to help young minds and answer their inquisitive questions if possible. The same I am listing below for our esteem readers. 

Friends suppose one is holding a cup of tea , a little child in ones house comes along and bumps into one or shakes ones arm, making one spill ones tea everywhere.

Why did one spill the tea?

Expected answer is"Because little child bumped into one!!!".but friends please remember this is a wrong answer.

Right answer is one spilled the tea because there was tea in ones cup.

Had there been coffee in the cup, one would have spilled coffee

Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.




Same is applicable to life. Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside one will come out. It's easy to fake it, until you get rattled.

So friends always ask  ourselves... "what's in our cup?"

 A Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill it.

Friends today let's work towards filling our cups with positivity like gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation; and kindness, gentleness and love for others.Please don't fill your cup of life with jealous and negativity. 

Many students were happy to read my small article. I was happy to train

  young mind associated with. 

Moral of Story. Please always fill ones Cup of life with positivity. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986




e Mail-sukarma@iitk.ac.in

Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Amazon.com: Books

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Real Enemy


I very often visit general physician with my mother in law. She is diabetic.  Taking care of her diet and exercise is big assignment for us. Taking lesson from my mother in law disease. I wrote little poem entitled "Real Enemy" to educate young minds. The same I am listing below for esteem readers of blogger.com

Real Enemy

one may find that I am word little,
But very important I am to one dear,
When one reads my name it takes seconds,
When one thinks about me it takes minutes,
When one tries to understands my chemical dynamics,
It takes one’s life whole.

What am I? Where am I?
When my contents are high,
In baby brain; I show up as ADHD,
In adult brain; I show up as dementia,
In eyes I show up as Glaucoma,
In teeth; I show up as cavities,
 Under skin; I show up as aging,
In sleep; I show up as insomnia,
 In blood; I show up as diabetes,
 In whole system; I show up as cancer,
 In wall street; I show up as billions industry,
People are addicted to me;
People’s craving for me,
 Is near order of magnitude higher,
Than craving for Cocaine.

Friends guess who am I?
Rightly guessed I am one’s sugar content present in blood,
Now it is for one to decide who is one’s enemy real?
To keep at bay one’s enemy real.
Please do maintain healthy diet;
 With of course good exercise,
To maintain right amount of my(sugar) contents;
 In system under observations,
And say bye to enemy real.

 Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK

Quote Sukarma Thareja


Life is journey of experiments.Some are successful some are partial successful, but all adds to wisdom. Sukarma Rani Thareja

People on mission never count their work.They enjoy their work till last breath and inspire generations. Sukarma Rani Thareja

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Taking care of girl child with respect is like reading spiritual book

Sukarma Rani Thareja


Poemhunter. com

Sunday, February 6, 2022

To fix Leaky Bucket in you, please always remember What you give is what you get back.

 Sukarma Rani Thareja

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