Mile Stone -Mother Nation


Game Changer for New Generation.


Moon uncle, moon uncle,! please

Open your door,

My mother earth has sent holy thread of love for you dear uncle.

I have traveled to you through launch vehicle Mk-lll(LVM3)

To gain knowledge about you so to benefit human mankind


I am Robotic duo Vikram- Prgyan part of chandrayan-3 from India –Earth dear uncle,

I have touched down softly near your south pole today -23rd August(6.03 pm Indian standard time)dear uncle.

MY mother nation, fourth country stick to your (lunar) landing is a mile stone for my mother nation India dear uncle.

I will spend one Lunar day(about 14 Earth days)  and explore you: my new home, dear uncle

with goal of collecting scientific data about you (uncle)dear uncle,

 Before my batteries drain after sunset: moon uncle

 I will probe about your South Pole surface and will  transfer the relevant data information to my mother land India Earth; dear uncle,


 There are seven instruments on my board moon uncle.

which will probe many new science from this mission,


1. Chandra’s Surface Thermo physical Experiment (ChaSTE) ChasTE will probe your(lunar) soil and will record its variations in temp on South Pole of your





2.LASER Induced Breakdown Spectroscope(LIBS)will take care of qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis to derive the chemical Composition and infer mineralogical composition to further our understanding of Lunar-surface.


Please do not shiver dear moon uncle,

When Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA) ILSA ask about your where about.

ILSA measures #seismicity around the landing site and  explore the structure of the your(lunar) crust.


4.#SHAPE will explore about possibilities of life on your surface moon uncle

5. #RAMBHA-LP's primary objectives are to measure different parameters of the plasma above the surface of the Moon.


6. LRA is a passive experiment to understand the #dynamics of you( Moon) system.


7.APXS will determine the elemental #composition of your(Lunar) Surface in surrounding region of landing site dear uncle,


Your surface soil, rocks and water exploration and #mineral identification are my main goals to come to you dear moon uncle,


When sun sets upon your landing site uncle moon,

 our #robotic duo will be left to fight moon uncle,

a #frigid night which will be difficult to survive, because our(duo)batteries will be drained out moon uncle,

And it is too cold for our(duo) electronics to work,

We will sleep for a while dear uncle,

I am a #game changer for new generation dear uncle,

We have miles to go before we sleep dear uncle.


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK




Her academic venture  as an artist and photographer has featured in the form of book(paper back)

science of Life and Nature(Paper Back): A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Books(10 dollars)

Amazon US link :

Amazon UK link:


Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Rani Thareja:

Kindle e-book (2.98 dollar)


2.Making-Science-Easy-Poetry-Collection-ebook/dp/B09777MG33 –(1.98 dollars)




What is Time

 Once I got chance to interact with primary school children.It was a very joyful experience for me.

Children were eager to know "what is time"?How concept of time is related to our holy Earth.

I wanted to explain the concept of time to kids in very simple way.My submissions were following.

 I wrote a small article #"Day-Night". The same I am listing below for my esteem readers.

Friends there is concept of time,time moves on therefore we have #day and night .Our Earth revolves around its own  axis like toy #"spin top". This spinning process of mother Earth makes day and night for us .When part of earth is there in front of #Sun then there is day on Earth .Part of Earth which is away from Sun,there is #night in that part of Earth.

  Revolution around its own axis

Children mother Earth takes 24 hours to complete one revolution around its own axis.Friends this 24 hours interval we have named it as"TIME". Therefore concept of time is there because of Earth rotation speed

Suppose  our Earth would not have been rotating around its own #axis then there would not have been day and night on Earth. Mother Earth would have always be in front of Sun and there would  always have been day on Earth.

 Kids Please respect Time and be more responsible and punctual and to understand the importance of managing your time effectively.

Moral of Story- The answer to your question What is TIME ?

1. TIME is there because of Earth rotation speed, thatswhy time always MOVES.

2.Because of Earth  rotation speed we have day and night on Earth. .


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986


Zenith of Career


Relationships (Marriages) are the most important part of ones life. Far more important than #careers and work even though a lot of young people in the #zenith of their own careers may not feel so.

Relationships skills are not taught at all and nobody prepares one for #marriage. It is extremely important to read about marriage along with #understanding ones own self as well as the other.

Most relationships can be #mended when both the parties are willing to.The only thing that matters in life as well as relationships, is "will".

Sometimes there are unknown forces which tear apart strong relationships bond,but with help of strong #will from both ends make relationship #stronger than before.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



Have you seen Walking Talking University.

 Other day I met my old students in my # college canteen.They were talking about old teachers ."How they taught us with all dedication.Though teachers were very strict,but we enjoyed their teachings.Other student asked me"who was your # favorite teacher madam?"

My submission to my student is following.The same I wrote in form of small article"Walking #Talking University" ,which I am listing below for my esteem readers.

My mother was my most favorite teacher.When I was young I used to wonder,how come my mother knows all things,which sometimes my teacher also does not know.

Mothers while teaching does not follow any # curriculum and # subject syllabus.They teach all topics.I don't remember a single topic what my mother did not touch while giving me # informal education.

Mothers teach manners,moral ethical values,justice,# work life balance and psychology to children.

Mother teach how to stand, sleep, getup,walk,talk ,sit down, eat, drink and live # respectable life to children.

Mothers scold,pamper and # decorate children.

Mothers play and some time # tease children.

Mothers are friends and # philosopher guide to children.

Mothers are walking # talking university for children.

Moral of Story-friends nothing could be better than mother, # mother tongue and # mother land

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



Working out eating well sleeping at right time

In our school every Saturday students get  time for# co -curricular activities.Our students decided to have discussion on topic"what are three decisions which are important for life". Students came out with many choices.For same I wrote small article to #educate my students.The same I am listing below for my esteem readers.

In my opinion below listed three things are very important for individual to lead well# balanced life.It is a world of #science and technology .#Youngsters are involved with work of #information technology .Every individual spends nearly 10–12 hours of her/his day, working. I believe one’s work therefore, should be something one love or at least like.Therefore please do make choice of your work wisely.

Recent advance research studies are showing
that human # happiness depends primarily on the quality of relationships one has.It may be with wife/husband,boss,friends and other  family members.It is a fact one does not choose the family one is born into, but one do choose ones partner.It is advisable to choose ones life partner who is #compatible with ones value system.Please do not make this special choice in hurry.Please take your own time to take this important decision of life.
In day to day life one has to take small decisions every now and then.Sometime one take these decisions under# social pressures.Please do take these small decisions of every day towards living a #healthy life - This is about working out, #eating well, and sleeping.Though these decisions look small, if not taken in right direction in right time one will face serious consequences of same.

I think above listed three decisions are far more important than anything else in life.

Sukarma Rani Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986


Web site-sukarma thareja


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