Starting activity late in carrier


I am persistence person and believes  and lives in the glass-half-full analogy  well. Interestingly, I am met with a mixture of kudos and disbelief by my age peers when I reveal my new endeavor of science arts writing to them. 

 Since doing work from home is especially suited for seniors like me,,it only stands to reason that as I do bit of writing every day as blog in No one knows how old I am as I am  online, and the chance of ageist reactions and rejections shrinks exponentially.

 The goofy ideas of science arts characters, colors, and moody sounds that have resided within me since I was a teen are still there, and I am finally unleashing them on the world through my writin one by one. It’s a number game. Social media has become second nature to me.

 I think about it this way: What was once considered boastful is now called “self-marketing.” If you don’t put your intentions out there, no one will notice you or even value the wealth of talent that occupies your innards. I figure I can’t give myself the understanding  of hoping to be “discovered.” I have to make this little dream happen, just as I did when I submitted a science arts writing sample to different science magazine editors. Many time my writing were accepted for publication. That encouraged me to write and till today I am involved in science arts writing. 

Now I write blog on and name of my blog is “sukarma musing”.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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