Does Walking Routine- Helps me

Its my fortune that I am able to carry out research work with help of my able students.

 I was talking to my students after my "research result progress meeting". This meeting 

 hold every week. After this meeting I told my students okay  students its time for my

  evening walk.Every day I take a break from my  work and go for a walk for an hour.

Students told me that they appreciate my evening walk. I told students  that what I 

started as a desperate attempt to lose my  weight has now  become a habit that is an

 integral part of my life.

I told my students,it is amazing!. On my way I see  

 plants,trees, birds, butterflies, dogs, squirrels, the sky,

plants,trees, birds, butterflies, dogs, squirrels, the sky, 

clouds, etc. ).

Best part of this walking is Friends no gadgets, no 

tracking of distance/time/heart rate etc. 

What one need is just a pair of good shoes, comfortable

 clothes, a waist pouch to keep my phone so that I walk


Friends I literally walk through an orchestra  and music 

of  nature, presented by the birds and insects!! .I often 

pair this with the sight of the glorious sunset, and I make 

my day . 

Friends everyday, I look forward to that hour, wherein I 

observe as much Nature as I can.

I note down the questions I get, and seek answers. 

Questions like “What is the connection between butterfly 

and monsoon?” “What is the pattern of a honeybug?”

 “What happens to trees during cyclones?”  I get back 

home and research ,With all this I am able to learn all 

about carbon sequestration.I also wrote one poem how 

whale contribution in carbon reduction process.

The behavior of birds and insects, why “tree-plantation 

drives” don’t even come close to replacing a tree being

 cut down, how clouds form patterns everyday, etc. 

Sometimes I pause, capture birds chirping, a snail moving 

on a leaf, near hedge of tulsi plants, a butterflies flitting. 

All this has made my life beautiful and meaningful, of 

course I have lost 3 Kg weight. With passage of time I 

 have many female cute friends who believe in walking,

We often wave at each other while doing eco walk and 

exchange our greetings. Everyday I thank all mighty for 

giving me strength to do so.


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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