Science-Delicious Fries


I love # crispy and tender fries, I boil my potatoes before frying them. This simple trick can make a big difference in the taste and texture of your fries. Since I am student f science I  am listing below some scientific facts involved in boiling of potatoes.


1. Boiling potatoes #deactivates an enzyme called# polyphenol oxidase, which causes potatoes to turn brown when exposed to air. This way, your fries will look more appetizing and won't have a bitter flavor.


2. Boiling potatoes removes some of the water content from the potatoes,which makes them less likely to stick together and more likely to crisp up in the oil. It also prevents them from #absorbing too much oil and becoming greasy.


3. Boiling potatoes closes the# cell walls on the surface of the potatoes,which creates a barrier that prevents the oil from penetrating too deep into the fries. This helps them retain their shape and texture, and also makes them more fluffy on the inside.


4. Boiling potatoes partially cooks them, which reduces the frying time and ensures that they are cooked evenly throughout. This way, you won't end up with # fries that are burnt on the outside and raw on the inside.

The glucose index (GI) is a measure that evaluates how quickly that particular food raises ones blood sugar levels. However, the GI of potatoes changes with different cooking techniques:

    Fried potato has a GI of 95
    Baked potato has a GI of 85
    Boiled potato has a GI of 50

This shows that a diabetic can consume boiled potatoes  as their GI is low and would not affect their blood sugar levels severely.


Moral of story-Friends next time you want to make some # delicious fries, give boiling a try.You'll be surprised by how much it improves the # taste of your potatoes.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



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