Sukarma Musing-My Blog


In co curricular activity class my students wanted to know  benefit of blogging.

My submissions were following,

Name of my blog is"Sukarma Musing".Friends for working woman like me,who is always handling problems at home and professional front A blog is essentially like a journal where  I can post my thoughts and experiences and have them read and commented on by anyone.

 My blog is a type of website, usually maintained by an me(individual) with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

Benefits of blogging ?

There are numerous benefits of blogging.I am just listing the 5 main reasons why everyone should involve themselves in Blogging.

1. Show ones expertise, help one or even get a new job: My Blog instantly tells the world how knowledgeable I am  on a particular topic . I also use my skills to help people online through the blog.

2. Preserve memories for great-grand children: Best part of my blogs is anything I blog, be it a story or a photo , is saved forever on the Internet. Now imagine my great grand-children and their children reading my blog when they grow up. They'll almost feel like having a conversation with me.

3. Share ones thoughts and opinions with the world: Got something to say about earning money on line? Or the performance of our school alumni? Or have an opinion on a topic like emotional intelligence and mental health of students? Well, blogs are a perfect place to pen my thoughts online.

4. Stay connected with ones friends and family:  I have friends and family members spread in different parts of the world, my blog "Sukarma musing" is the best way to keep in touch with everyone. For instance, if there's a school function , my grand children performance at their school ,I can upload the pictures to my blog and others can see view and comment on them instantly. No need for emails.

5. Make money from ones blog: It's true that one can think of making a comfortable small money  from ones blog provided one write consistently and work hard. Blogs won't make one rich overnight but if one follow some simple rules, chances are that blogging will definitely help one pay some of small bills.

Friends my blogging habit over years

1.has helped me build my writing skills to great extent.

 2.has strengthen partially my so called Brand Recognition---

3.has helped me partially building engaging audience---



Moral of Story-It is a blessing through internet blog one can improve ones writing skills and express ones feelings and opinion on any topic and at the same time can remain connected with family and friends.

Sukarma Thareja

alumnus IITK 1986




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