Woman is beautiful in every circumstances

 I had a friend Gita in my school.I joined B.Sc(Hons)Chemistry in college.While my friend Gita joined B.Sc(Nursing) in nursing college.

The other day Gita was in my dreams.I asked Gita you have been in such a beautiful profession.Please answer my one unique question.

        When is girl or a woman  most beautiful?Gita asked me why am

I asking such a question to her.

I told Gita the same question was asked by my girl student when I

was teaching in girls college .Gita gave me several good points about same.

I said dear Gita, woman is such a beautiful creation of God ,according to me a woman will be most beautiful in every circumstances.

After discussing the same with my dear mother,I wrote a small poem in form of dialogue, to paste on my school notice board to educate young minds. The same I am listing below for my respected readers.

When is Woman Beautiful.

 Me- In her teens and early twenties.

 When she falls in love and is loved back equally.

Mother- On the day of her wedding.

 On the birth of her child/children.

Me- When she juggles with work at home and office.

 Tired after a full day’s work, when she enters the kitchen to cook for her family.

Mother- When the first strands of grey hair mark her temples.

 When she waits for her kids to call her while they are away.

Me- When she gets her kids married.

 When she becomes a granny.

Mother- After all this time when she still wakes up early to prepare that special tea for her husband.

 When all her hairs go white and she becomes toothless.

Me- Finally, when she rests in peace

Mother-Ones beauty doesn't exist on its own but is created and appreciated by observers.

Me-Woman's internal beauty always adds to her so called external beauty.


 Moral of Story-Every girl/woman is internally-externally beautiful, in every way and at all times. One should only have the right eyes to see that. Beauty lies in beholders eyes.Beauty doesn't exist on its own but is created by observers.




Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986




e Mail-sukarma@iitk.ac.in

Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Amazon.com: Books

Amazon US link :




Amazon UK link:




Good Teacher Mind and Heart---


I was attending my friend's daughter wedding.People at that wedding party was of popular belief, that teachers spend their summers  on tropical beaches, eating special ice creams.

I happen to talk with guests at party function and said"we teachers actually spend summer vacation time catching up on all the work we couldn't get to do during the school year."

We attend professional development workshops, plan curriculum for the upcoming year, and grade an endless pile of papers.

 The length of summer vacation vary from district to city.It also depend if school is public or private.

Some districts might have slightly shorter summers, while others may extend it.

During our casual conversation I told  guest at party" trust me sir, even a few weeks won't make this vacation as glamorous as you seem to think."

So, friends please before one think of dismissing a teacher's summer vacation as a luxury, please  take a moment to appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into being an educator.

We may get a break, but our minds and hearts are constantly invested in the betterment of our students.

We make projects as teaching aids to teach difficult concepts like quadratic equations in subject mathematics.

We some time work on research paper to be presented in educational conference.Some times  these research paper require lot of data to be collected.To collect data and convert the same  into analytical equation require programing knowledge and so on.

Learning new education tools(computer soft wares) to teach student takes time.Teachers use summer vacation to learn educational tools.

Moral of Story-Good teachers  minds and hearts are constantly invested in the betterment of their students.Summer vacation is best time for good teacher to go for professional development.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986




e Mail-sukarma@iitk.ac.in

Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Amazon.com: Books

Amazon US link :




Amazon UK link:




Sukarma Musing-My Blog


In co curricular activity class my students wanted to know  benefit of blogging.

My submissions were following,

Name of my blog is"Sukarma Musing".Friends for working woman like me,who is always handling problems at home and professional front A blog is essentially like a journal where  I can post my thoughts and experiences and have them read and commented on by anyone.

 My blog is a type of website, usually maintained by an me(individual) with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

Benefits of blogging ?

There are numerous benefits of blogging.I am just listing the 5 main reasons why everyone should involve themselves in Blogging.

1. Show ones expertise, help one or even get a new job: My Blog instantly tells the world how knowledgeable I am  on a particular topic . I also use my skills to help people online through the blog.

2. Preserve memories for great-grand children: Best part of my blogs is anything I blog, be it a story or a photo , is saved forever on the Internet. Now imagine my great grand-children and their children reading my blog when they grow up. They'll almost feel like having a conversation with me.

3. Share ones thoughts and opinions with the world: Got something to say about earning money on line? Or the performance of our school alumni? Or have an opinion on a topic like emotional intelligence and mental health of students? Well, blogs are a perfect place to pen my thoughts online.

4. Stay connected with ones friends and family:  I have friends and family members spread in different parts of the world, my blog "Sukarma musing" is the best way to keep in touch with everyone. For instance, if there's a school function , my grand children performance at their school ,I can upload the pictures to my blog and others can see view and comment on them instantly. No need for emails.

5. Make money from ones blog: It's true that one can think of making a comfortable small money  from ones blog provided one write consistently and work hard. Blogs won't make one rich overnight but if one follow some simple rules, chances are that blogging will definitely help one pay some of small bills.

Friends my blogging habit over years

1.has helped me build my writing skills to great extent.

 2.has strengthen partially my so called Brand Recognition---

3.has helped me partially building engaging audience---  







Moral of Story-It is a blessing through internet blog one can improve ones writing skills and express ones feelings and opinion on any topic and at the same time can remain connected with family and friends.

Sukarma Thareja

alumnus IITK 1986




e Mail-sukarma@iitk.ac.in



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