Family Body soul

I was teaching science in school.In co curricular activity class,our guest speaker Mr Nandi talked to students about concept of  #body -soul-  peace.He also talked to student about karma theory described in Hindu epic #Shrimd Bhagavad Gita.All teachers were very happy as students asked so many questions about good- bad #karma.We thanked our guest speaker for excellent spiritual talk which enlightened students as well teachers.

Mr Nandi made me think hard about karma theory of Hindu epic Gita. I came back from school and before sleeping I wrote small poem remembering my  mother.Poem "Family-Body-Soul-Peace" I pasted the same on notice board of school for students to read.The same I am listing below for my esteem readers.



For my mother ,her family  is her soul .

Whole day she works without stop any,

For family and #extended family,

 Her noble deeds keeps her soul,

 In #equilibrium with her physical body,

 Her actions #propagates peace,

 In each family member soul,

She seeks blessings from God,

  Which acts as #catalysis positive,

Turns around prosperity,

 In life of each member of joint family,

Gives  peace of mind ,integrity,

and purpose of living to entire family.

Similarly May God initiate world peace,

In world family ,where all live,

 Harmoniously with   #neighbors,

Respecting all sentiments around them.


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Books

Amazon US link :


Vitamin M

 I was going home after teaching in school.I was crossing road,suddenly car stopped for me. I was very happy to see my old friend Mala.

My self and my friend Mala #decided to take coffee in near by coffee house.

We remembered old days when we were in our twenties.

I said "Mala I did not have any problems before marriage.My parents faced  lot of problems.But they didn't let any problems come to their children's notice.  I got whatever I wanted. So speaking truth I did not get any #opportunity to learn.Once I got married I felt life has so much to offer.  I should learn with #interest. My post married life started with below middle class life style. So immediately my brains got some #stimulation to get #activated. Some hope ,some struggle to achieve something #generated in me.I started thinking what is life if one has no problems? How one would #evolve? What is the use of living only with one #shade, one taste, one color ? Is there life in that?"

Based on experience of life after marriage I wrote small article entitled"middle Class" and pasted on notice board of my school.The same I am listing below for my esteem readers on my blog.

After Marriage with great #enthusiasm I took charge of my below middle class life.

I learnt many lessons

  I Ran..ran.. ran.. ran…. I had  hundred things to do and hundred hopes to fulfill and hundred goals to chase. I realized middle class(MC) people are not fearful or scared to be MC. They are only frustrated. MC people will not recognize any activity as success, as their main focus is to gain monetary success.Their own emotional, psychological, sentimental values  appear like hand cuffs to them.

I worked hard and harder---

God blessed me and luck favored me

Ah I stared categorizing my self as upper  middle class---

But what is this-----I am no more same person  I am scared, reserved, restless and frustrated  too to maintain same level, status forever.Fear of losing this achieved  upper middle class position is living with me.


In summary my experience of journey from middle class to upper middle class is following

In middle class(MC) people life ,suppose there are  ten steps to reach a peak of success . While climbing each step they feel so excited.Each step  taken by them is  criticized, dissected, discouraged  by their own people (out of fear and concern on them). They have to travel alone on their new path  if they want to reach the success of upper middle class.  Till they reach certain level, they won't find anyone in their eye reaching radius.

 Ah suddenly  when they(MC) reach tenth step climbing one by one--and taste success

 Then what is left after tasting success----

They(MC) have to struggle a lot to make their own people  believe really they have tasted success. They come down  from place of success  and  sit worrying and praying God  to protect them from losing their position(upper middle class). To maintain acquired upper middle class position, MC people have to compete with the strong world with their weak body and weak background. They(MC) can't afford to lose a single opportunity.They have to Conserve literally everything.  Books, clothes, things, water, power, food etc.even emotions and love. .Obvious thing MC people do realize one should not lack in vitamin ‘M' called money.

I struggled a lot to make people surrounding me believe that really I have  tasted success.When I wore my first jewellery no one believed it's gold and I bought it with my hard work. Just because I got down from city bus.


 Middle class(MC) people  must keep their ambitions, ideologies,in store room for some time.Sometimes they too need money to express their emotions like love.Love ,lover both sometimes have to wait for long time to get entry in upper middle class category.

Moral of Story- for middle class people,  life has its own charm. Full of hope and moral values-----

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Books

Amazon US link :


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Exploration Lunar

Free Generated Spatialship illustration and picture
 Chandrayaan-3; consists of Robert duo #lander Vikram and #rover Pragyan,
On August 23,2023 successfully landed on south pole surface #lunar,
This good news was shared with joy by world #space lovers,
Since then #Robert duo, have been #conducting experiment –series,
Actively exploring #south pole surface lunar.

With #Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope(LIBS),
And #Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer(APXS),
Found out element #Sulphur, Iron, Chromium,
Oxygen, Calcium along with silicon,
 Pragyan, on lunar south pole surface,
Of course!  also found Titanium,
 Used in building fighter planes,
Manganese, Sulphur are there; also Aluminium Mine ,
Underway is also search for #lightest element Hydrogen.

Big achievement wow Pragyan!
 Says science world in voice one,
With all these activities of Pragyan,
Is shivering unique #lunar surface,
Pleasant experiences Shares;
 Dear Robert lander Vikram , .
Chandrayaan- 3 mission great has positioned,
India; my dear mother land,
As a leading player in #exploration lunar,
Whole world praising ISRO- India,
For achievements of #Chandrayaan-3,Vikram - Pragyan. 

Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK 1986



Woman Scientist life-spiced tea


Today’s women scientists,
 Work very hard toward their #passion for science,
They boil themselves like spices in tea,
When fresh researcher in lab science,
 They are like pure milk -fresh cool,
While working in lab science,
They get crushed like ginger in spiced science tea,
With their own power analytical,
 And scientific aptitude they add #flavours,
 Of sugar to science #spiced tea.

Today’s women scientist are not only home makers,
 But CEO of established lab #prestigious,
 They use spices like no fear for storms of technology-science,
 Understanding of every #utility app of science,
Writing #algorithm for #Artificial intelligence,
  In proportion appropriate,
 In making science spiced tea.

Women scientist noble #souls have big passion,
 To work for world level program science,
They do not mind If their spiced tea of science,
  Is in earthen pot or bone china,
 In US NASA, #Gaganyan or# Chandaryaan India.

Words three beautiful,
Women #scientist always keep ready in their pocket,
And make spiced tea of science,
 With true #spirit of science,
And try for better future of #humanity,
 With #infinite trust in almighty,
In hearts of one and all,
They are remembered fondly,
For their significant role dual,
 Excellent/makers #spiced tea of science.

Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK 1986
Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja:
9781521260067: Books
Amazon US link :

Amazon UK link:

When will chromosomes XX Will be Equal to YY


It is very difficult for Rani to forget formula which decides gender formation ie male/female in any species, ie #xx=xy (pair of chromosomes)which she was taught in tenth class by her biology teacher. Why this formula haunts Ms Rani till today is a #million dollar question. She cannot forget, how in pressure from her mother in law and husband she got her self aborted few times ,because she was carrying a baby girl. To some extent she was also party to that awful decision.

She understands what she did, was a sin—–and she was #morally incorrect. But why she took this decision –she has no concrete convincing answer to herself till today. The fact that she cannot share this black truth of her life with anyone in this world, even with her own dear and near ones is a big pain for her. Rani knows that valid questions like—Are you mad #Rani?—What is the point in getting so much education if you can’t face the world?-etc—etc will be raised if she shares this secret with any one, even if they are her own sisters. It is also a fact, that all said and done, she is not ready to become mother to her second #daughter at any cost. When she looks back her own journey—those sad dark patches of her life journey and unhappy experiences that make her #reinforce her decision, that what action she took was right though it is painful for her till today.

Rani works as a helper in canteen of famous women college in Delhi, and happens to get #platform of interaction with women coming from different walks of life. During many meaningful conversation ,they convey her that time has come that Indians will study necessary and sufficient conditions of this genetic formula, xx=xy. and very soon will implement those conditions in Indian society, in such a way that each citizen of’ India today ‘will feel pride , comfortable and will get equal right and opportunity. They try to convince Rani that very soon in India the formula xx<xy will become xx=xy.

For Rani it is , nothing but a #dirty joke. She knows that for states of her country like Haryana and Punjab formula xx<xy is still valid today. It is also a known fact that god made this genetic formula xx=xy , but for our convenience we converted this formula to xx<xy. Rani some time in her ideal time ask these questions to herself–Who are we to change this formula—just for our own #convenience—,how long all this will go on in our society.

Enough is enough, but Rani is still waiting after 74 years of independence, that when we Indians ,who boast of our cultural, spiritual and science- technical know how heritage, will come out from these #conservative believes and assure ‘Aam nari’(ordinay Indian woman) like Rani that TV serials like ‘satyamev jayte’ will not get buried in history of India . When will ’ Aam nari’ (ordinay Indian woman) get justice from her own society ,and will feel proud in giving birth to #female child ?

How this will be possible? Rani always ask these questions to her self. yes !it is possible Rani, ‘didi ji’ in my college tells me, if we all sincerely , salute to blessings of #mother hood and count our blessings and recognize the talent, beauty and importance of little bundle of joys and change our #mental set up.

Rani is hopeful and still waiting for that new auspicious morning—


Sukarma Rani Thareja
Alumnus IIT-K(1986)
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
CSJM Kanpur University
Kanpur-208001 , UP, India.


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