Family Body soul

I was teaching science in school.In co curricular activity class,our guest speaker Mr Nandi talked to students about concept of  #body -soul-  peace.He also talked to student about karma theory described in Hindu epic #Shrimd Bhagavad Gita.All teachers were very happy as students asked so many questions about good- bad #karma.We thanked our guest speaker for excellent spiritual talk which enlightened students as well teachers.

Mr Nandi made me think hard about karma theory of Hindu epic Gita. I came back from school and before sleeping I wrote small poem remembering my  mother.Poem "Family-Body-Soul-Peace" I pasted the same on notice board of school for students to read.The same I am listing below for my esteem readers.



For my mother ,her family  is her soul .

Whole day she works without stop any,

For family and #extended family,

 Her noble deeds keeps her soul,

 In #equilibrium with her physical body,

 Her actions #propagates peace,

 In each family member soul,

She seeks blessings from God,

  Which acts as #catalysis positive,

Turns around prosperity,

 In life of each member of joint family,

Gives  peace of mind ,integrity,

and purpose of living to entire family.

Similarly May God initiate world peace,

In world family ,where all live,

 Harmoniously with   #neighbors,

Respecting all sentiments around them.


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Books

Amazon US link :


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