Make Bridges not Walls




Other day I was answering student's relevant questions that what are # main gifts one gets  from God those can give someone a huge edge over others:

My  submissions were following

1. Being born in a # developed country,2. being born in a rich family, 3, being born with good looks.

My explanation to above listed facts were following

Let me explain why. Being born in a developed country friends one has access to better education, health care, infrastructure, and opportunities than most people in the world. One  doesn't have to worry about war, famine, disease, or poverty as much as someone who lives in a less fortunate place. One also has more freedom and # rights to pursue ones dreams and goals.

Being born in a rich family means one has more resources and support to achieve ones potential. One doesn't have to struggle to make ends meet or work hard to pay for ones education or basic needs. One can afford to travel, learn new skills, start a business, or do whatever one want. One also has more connections and influence to get ahead in ones # career or society.

Being born with good looks means one has more advantages in social situations and  # relationships. One is more likely to attract attention, admiration, and love from others. One is more likely to be perceived as confident, intelligent, and trustworthy. One also has more opportunities to benefit from ones appearance, such as getting better jobs, deals, or favors.

One doesn't choose where one is born, who ones parents are, or how one looks. One just inherit them from ones # genes and environment. And yet they can make a huge difference in ones life chances and opportunities.

There are other relation ships which one build 

These relationships are to be developed with trust , respect and honesty. # Emotional intelligence,positive attributes  of ones personality and trust contribute to these relationships.

Unfortunately some time it so happens that one happens to show ones worst  qualities to ones life partner or relationship.Friends please never ever do that.Please do # build trust with your partner in marriage or relationship.In other words be willing to give as well receive.It is necessary for both partners to feel comfortable with the level of giving and receiving.

Moral of story is one should be thankful for gifted traits given by God in form of # DNA and environment and should always use them for right cause in right direction in life.

Similarly one should build relationships in life like making bridges(photo above showing building bridge between body soul through # YOGA) and avoid making walls in life through ones honesty,trust and intelligence

Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IIT-K

Molecule Who Contribue Most to Life

 Picture showing what a water molecule looks like on an atomic level

Water Molecule Source: Maureen Feinman


 One day in my dream while doing my routine walk I met very important molecule on my way.After exchange of greetings, molecule containing two Hydrogen and one oxygen atom started talking to me.He told me"madam mostly I am available in liquid form. I have trick for you.One of the simplest and most effective ways to improve your health is to drink more of me.   I am essential for your body and mind, and I can give you many benefits that you may not be aware of."

-" I can help you stay hydrated and energized. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, mood swings, and even affect your cognitive performance. Drinking enough of me can prevent these symptoms and keep you alert and focused throughout the day."

"I help you flush out toxins and waste from your body. I am involved in many processes that regulate your metabolism, digestion, circulation, and immunity. Drinking more of can help your body get rid of harmful substances and maintain a healthy balance."

"I help you improve your skin and hair quality. I am vital for keeping your skin and hair hydrated and nourished. Drinking more of me can help you prevent dryness, dullness, and breakage, and give you a radiant and youthful appearance."

"I help you control your appetite and weight. I can make you feel full and reduce your cravings for unhealthy snacks and drinks. Drinking more of me can also boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories."

"As you can see,madam  drinking more of me is one of the best life lessons you can learn about health. Its simple, cheap, and effective, and it can make a huge difference in your well-being."

I very humbly asked him gentleman   may I know your name please.

Yes madam you can not miss me. I am your favourte liquid  WATER.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Daughter-Mother Duo


My friend Sita got married in very nice family.Her mother in law Mrs Raka was very much concerned about my friend Sita's need. Raka will communicate with Sita for every bit of her need. Sita soon realised communication is key to a healthy and happy relationship.

 Sita's in laws  gave powerful advice that saved Sita and her husband  a lot of stress and trouble in the long run. Living below one means spending less than one earns, saving some money for emergencies and future goals, and avoiding unnecessary debt was her in laws precious advise This way, Sita enjoyed  her life without worrying about money all the time.

Sita's family valued  about unity of family. Howsoever strong one might be in this world, family and friends are important part of ones life. They'll provide one with all kinds of support to fight the situations. One can't win a battle alone folks! So Raka taught Sita how to cherish ones loved ones and not to take them for granted.

Raka  and Sita will go to favourte salon in the morning or soon after it opens for hair cut.Raka believed that hair stylist would be fresh and more creative in morning . A good haircut can boost ones confidence and make one feel good about oneself was strong belief of Raka.

Sita's mother in law Raka taught   Sita to massage her feet daily before sleeping.  Most of ones body's acupressure points lie on ones feet. Massaging them can stimulate blood circulation, relax ones muscles, and improve ones overall health.

Soon after two years Sita and Raka strong bonding was visible to every one.Everyone thought duo were daughter -mother not daughter in law- mother in law. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Is Woman Helping Woman


My son was intern in one of biggest hospital of India. He was posted in Haryana state.As we all know Haryana is famous for female foetecide.So much so that the sex ratio is 900  females to 1000 males.

My son's friend Suresh used to visit our house.It so happened he was from Haryana.Jokingly he will tell me," dear aunty I can not get a good match to marry, as girl who was destined to marry me was killed in female foeticide drive of Haryana." I used to feel sad for him but had no courage to express my sadness in front of him.

My son was posted in Haryana as an intern, and at 2.30 in the night a woman came with labor pains.

The protocol demands that doctor on duty to do a per vaginal examination and decide whether to admit or refer depending upon the effacement/dilatation of the cervix/previous history.

The woman was in labor was accompanied by  her mother in law  and sister in law at 2.30 in night. My son was the only doctor on duty and their first demand was  - they want a female doctor.

When they realized that my son was the only doctor on duty, they finally agreed to have an examination done by my son.

The woman in labor was sufficiently dilated and my son  asked the nurses to admit her.

 It was her first child.As luck would have it, woman  gave birth to girl child.

Their concerned faces(the mother in law and her sister) who only wanted a female doctor to examine her suddenly turned upside down.They told my son ‘If it was a male child, it would have been less painful for the mother with the labor pains and less painful for us too’

The same mother in law and sister in law who were refusing her(the woman with labour pain) to be examined by a male doctor(my son) and wanted a female doctor  to examine their daughter in law now suddenly were sad that she gave birth to a female child.

My son told me above listed story.I at once remember dear Suresh my son's good friend

I immediately thanked God being so nice to this universe and for creating male and female in equal ratio.I am so much worried if this equal ratio is distorted what will happen to this universe----God only knows

Sukarma Thareja

 Alumnus IITK 1986


Expecting more From Teachers-----


I was studying in very good school. Teachers were very good to students.
We used to get lot of academic projects which were to be completed in
fixed time. Mostly we used to take help of internet to complete projects.

But we had many friends whose parents used to help them a lot in finishing
those projects. Some time I used to feel dejected thinking, I wish my parents
could help us in doing so. But my parents used to encourage us to be
independent while doing those projects. That habit which my parents
inculcated in me has come long way with me. I find I remain happy by doing
everything in my life by myself. I have no expectations from others. I
Think that is a simple formula to remain happy in life.

Now I have grown old, same habit I try to inculcate in my students and my
own children.

Moral of story is friends that  there are
students who are afraid of examination results.They are those students who expect more
from examiner and teachers rather than from themselves.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Does Walking Routine- Helps me

Its my fortune that I am able to carry out research work with help of my able students.

 I was talking to my students after my "research result progress meeting". This meeting 

 hold every week. After this meeting I told my students okay  students its time for my

  evening walk.Every day I take a break from my  work and go for a walk for an hour.

Students told me that they appreciate my evening walk. I told students  that what I 

started as a desperate attempt to lose my  weight has now  become a habit that is an

 integral part of my life.

I told my students,it is amazing!. On my way I see  

 plants,trees, birds, butterflies, dogs, squirrels, the sky,

plants,trees, birds, butterflies, dogs, squirrels, the sky, 

clouds, etc. ).

Best part of this walking is Friends no gadgets, no 

tracking of distance/time/heart rate etc. 

What one need is just a pair of good shoes, comfortable

 clothes, a waist pouch to keep my phone so that I walk


Friends I literally walk through an orchestra  and music 

of  nature, presented by the birds and insects!! .I often 

pair this with the sight of the glorious sunset, and I make 

my day . 

Friends everyday, I look forward to that hour, wherein I 

observe as much Nature as I can.

I note down the questions I get, and seek answers. 

Questions like “What is the connection between butterfly 

and monsoon?” “What is the pattern of a honeybug?”

 “What happens to trees during cyclones?”  I get back 

home and research ,With all this I am able to learn all 

about carbon sequestration.I also wrote one poem how 

whale contribution in carbon reduction process.

The behavior of birds and insects, why “tree-plantation 

drives” don’t even come close to replacing a tree being

 cut down, how clouds form patterns everyday, etc. 

Sometimes I pause, capture birds chirping, a snail moving 

on a leaf, near hedge of tulsi plants, a butterflies flitting. 

All this has made my life beautiful and meaningful, of 

course I have lost 3 Kg weight. With passage of time I 

 have many female cute friends who believe in walking,

We often wave at each other while doing eco walk and 

exchange our greetings. Everyday I thank all mighty for 

giving me strength to do so.


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Spectrum, Dimension of life

 Life is like a dream. Some time one faces realities in life which correlates with ones dreams. It is possible to keep ones realities of life in one line like spectrum of light..Extreme end of reality of ones life is "very difficult life "best example is life of ones wife. 

Other end of spectrum of life is" easy life" best example is life of alcohal drunk person. 

Along with spectrum of life one get chance to peep into many dimensions of life. Some of them which I happen to peep into are being listed below. 

My friends who is saint ,peeping in his life make me feel that let me donate everything materialistic in life. 

My friend who is political leader, peeping in his life make me feel that what ever I have studied so far is useless

My friend who is business man, peeping in his life make me feel that I have earned very less money in my life. 

My friend who is scientist, peeing in his life make me feel that  all evils which I do have in life is because I have too less knowledge. 

My friend who is army personal, peeping in his life make me feel that I have made too less sacrifices in my life. 

My good friend, peeping in his life make me feel I am happiest person in life. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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