Gentle Parenting


Every one of us will agree that parenting is pleasant experience but some times it becomes challenging also. My experience with parenting has following salient points to high light. 


Where ever I go I encourage my children to do # experiential purchases(consumer get chance to buy experience)and less material purchases.  When ever I have some extra cash, I prefer to book a trip to travel  with my children or try some new hobby like  # photography and cooking.  Accordingly to my experience it give  children more satisfaction.

Other fact that I find fascinating about parenting is I encourage children to speak more than one language.  I also encourage children to  try at #  multitasking and problem-solving.
 I don't encourage children to be monolinguals. This is because bilinguals have to switch between different languages and cultures, which enhances my children cognitive flexibility and creativity. Learning a new language can also boost child's brain power and delay the onset of #  dementia.
The last tip that I want to share with you today is that smiling can make one feel happier, even if one is not.There fore I encourage my children to smile more and more. This is because smiling activates the muscles in your face that are linked to # positive emotions, and also releases endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine in child's brain.
 These chemicals can reduce stress, # lower blood pressure, and improve  child's mood.So next time if your child is feeling down,encourage your  child to smile and see what happens!
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK 1986

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