Expecting More From Teachers

 I was studying in very good school. Teachers were very good to students.

We used to get lot of academic projects which were to be completed in
fixed time. Mostly we used to take help of internet to complete projects.

But we had many friends whose parents used to help them a lot in finishing
those projects. Some time I will feel dejected thinking I wish parents
could help us in doing so. But my parents used to encourage us to be
independent while doing those projects. That habit which my parents
inculcated in me has come long way with me. I find I remain happy by doing
everything in my life by myself. I have no expectations from others. I
Think that is a simple formula to remain happy in life.

Now I have grown old, same habit I try to inculcate in my students and my
own children.

Moral of story is friends that I have seen many student in my life time re
 who are afraid of examination result.They are those studens who expect more
from examiner teachers rather than from themselves.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK

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