Work - Life Harmony- Environment


 It was covid time.Our school administration has advised all teachers to go for zoom classes for children. I thought it will be good if before I resume my online classes

for teaching,I must educate students through my writing piece how to make work-life harmony  by sustaining environment.I wrote poem entitled" Work - Life Balance- Environment" and posted  on website of my school.The same I am listing below for my esteem readers.

Work - Life Balance- Environment


Corona you acted like a #forced storm on us,

You became teacher and taught us to believe in #simple living,

You acted like #equalizer for every caste creed and religion,

You taught us to be away from #pump and show life.

You locked down earth for #repair of environment,

Corona we promise YOU; for our greed,

 We will not #misuse environment,

Corona please make us free from quarantine walls,

We promise you Corona we will care gently for environment .

We have made #vaccine for you(corona virus),

Corona please help us and please be away from vaccined people,

Please don’t spread yourself in community,

Help us by not showing your different #strains in air,

Your strict #punishments has made us wise,

Please let cool #peaceful breeze be  present   in environment;

So that #Work-life harmony is maintained in environment.


          Word count- 137  

Dr Sukarma Rani Thareja,

Associate Professor-Retired

CSJM University

Alumnus IIT-K-1986,Ph.D(Chemistry)



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Web site-sukarma thareja


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