Is it Difficult to say No?

 My friend Mini was teaching in private school. Mini was recently married. Her in laws family was very helpful and cooperative. 

Mini's mother in law was to go for wedding in different city. Before booking air ticket she checked with Mini, if she has some important assignment in school. Mini said"as if now she does not have any important duties to be performed in school." Mini's mother in law made all arrangements for her travel. 

It so happened school inspection dates were announced and they were same when Mini's mother in law was suppose to travel. 

My friend Mini was so confused she phoned me and said "madam I am encountering a difficult situation. My school inspection date is same as that of my mother in laws planed date to travel to different city. How will my mother in law take it if I tell my mom in law that I can not take leave from school as it is inspection of school. "I said" Yes Mini it is very difficult and tricky situation, but some time one has to take strong decision and for you it is to convey to your mother in laws I can not take leave from school  is difficult".

Mini was concerned how will she be taken for saying " No" in laws family. She felt lot of concern as she was very new at her in laws place. It so happened some how her husband was also not willing to come in this issue. 

Mini took a decision of saying "no".Initially her decision was taken in bad taste, and for that she had to face unpleasant situations. Gradually things improved. I am  happy that today Mini is being considered as responsible teacher at school. Even at her in laws family she is respected. I am so so happy for her. 

Moral of Story-Some time one has to take hard decision of saying " No", when one is expected to say "yes".

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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