Advise Give -Take

My friend Nita joined as bank officer in bank. Other bank officer who joined with her were very hesitant to interact with clerks of bank. My friend never discriminated if one is bank officer or clerk. She got very valuable avises from her juniors which she implemented when needed. 

Other officers found it difficult to handle many bank problems. They were good in giving advises to clients in bank. 

Taking advise from junior or senior is not easy task. Some times communication skills of clients are not up to mark, so giving them advise sometimes become messy task

One must remember if you are giving advise to client

1.client must have good hearing capacity

2 client must have good communication skills to put forward his problem. should be made clear to client it is not necessary that client should follows his advise. 

4.client is only one who knows his needs and problems. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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