Are you being Practical?

  I was waiting to go home, at metro station. I met my old student he said" Madam when we were teen ager we were so close to our friends. Even at home I used to share every small challenges in my life with my parents. But now a days things are much different"Why it is so is big question. 

I said "at that time no face book, no smart digital phone and no whatsup. Only medium of communication was letter writing. People were able to share emotions very effectively. Distance relationship were maintained so well. Unfortunately it is not soso now a days".

Yes you are right my student. I said" The reason behind this is that every one is being very practical these days. That is why there is less respect to emotions now days. Thanks to science-technolgy and information technology "

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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