Give Surprise ti your Child

 When my child was small he was so happy to get Christmas gift as he always thought that Santa brought that gift for him at night. Same he was always happy to get birthday gift. He was not excited to know when that gift was brought by his parents. 

Now he is old enough to understand many things in life. If I bring any gift for him to give him a surprise the big puzzle is where to keep that gift. 

To solve that problem from store I buy empty boxes where it is written 1.groceries 2.vegan

3.toilet paper 4.woman hygiene and keep in my kitchen store. In one of these boxes I hide my child surprise gift. 

I am so happy to share this simple trick with my esteem readers for their kind reference. This really helps in maintain ing happiness, curosity in life. One never get bored in life. 

Moral of story -small creative tricks

 really help one to create happiness in each sphere of life. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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