Mother Daughter Dream

I felt asleep. An old lady came in my dreams. I said"oh dear mom, I always used to make fun of you but when I see my self into mirror I find you in me. I fondly remember you very often when you used to be strict with me to inculcate good working habits in me. I used to fight with you for small things. Now I realise mom how wrong I was when I used to miss behave with you. ".

I distinctly remember when ever I will go out for my academic achievement outside home. How worried you were for same. I always used to think it is your immaturity to do so. Now after twenty years I am sailing in same boat. Thanks mom for being so kind and considerate with me. Every cell of my body is so much indebted with your love, affection and sacrifice. I wish I could face you in person. But I know that is never going to be so. It's just a dream for me. 

Moral of Story-Mothers are blessing. Please respect them. 

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