Do you Wish to be Popular

 My students always talk to me about concept of popularity. One student said "to become popular one should have bent mind of helping people in need of time. "

I said "popular persons are fond of celebrating one's friend success. They are very positive persons. They are large hearted and always look toward benefit of group and are not confined to own benefit. "

One student said"madam they are always on wheels and are always interested in finding amicable solution to group problems."

I said"yes dear student, they are always ready to do extra work to make their mission successful "

Student said "they are true leaders and

down to earth persons. They never boast about their personal success. They are ready to embrace change in society and find positivity in same. People ❤ them for their capacity to find positivity in odd circumstances. They are role model of society. They inspire young minds through their actions".

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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