Different Indian curries


 India is a vast country.It has many states.Each state is
 unique in its  traditions and very importantly in
 food curries.Food is still a very important activity
 of woman in India .Food diversity in India is absolutely
 mind-boggling so is Indian curries.
I am fond of cooking.Being chemistry teacher I enjoy making
 my own receipies and I also  do try them as and when I get
 time.  We Indian make different type of curries.We friends
 some time  do discuss  different curries,   gravies in
 our Indian  cooking and their methods of prepration.
My  friend Asha wanted me to write number  of different
 curries in form of little article so that she
 could send the same to her daughter living in USA.I wrote
 short summary of different Indian curries.My submission
 is following
 The Western and outside world thinks Indian curry is
 just one reddish oily one, either it is veg or nonveg.

But it is not so. We have the following types of curries,
 depending on the main ingredients.Few I am listing below.

1.Regular ground onion, red chillies, tomato curry..
 Like in chicken curry

2.Mashed lentils (dhals) chilly powder, tamarind gravy
.. Like in sambaar

3.Plain mashed dhal with red chillies and ghee…
as in dhal tadka

4.Onion, green chillies, tomato curry.. Tomato gravy
 for rice and chapathis

5.Onion, chilly powder, tomato curry..
 Like in potato - peas gravy

6.Onion, chilly powder, tamarind curry.. 
As in Chennai dish kara kuzhambu or Madras spicy red gravy

7.Onion, green chillies, coconut paste curry..
 Like in kurumas, Kerala gravies

8.Red chillies, tamarind, coconut curry..
 Like Mangalore gravies

9.Onion, chillies, cashew/almond paste,/cream curry..
 Like Lucknowy and Kashmiri curries

10.Bengal gram green chillies ground together with curd added
 last…Tamil butter milk gravy

11.Bengal gram powder, curd, green chillies curry…
 As in  Punjabi kadi

12.Onion, black pepper and tamarind curry..
 Milagu kozhambu..Tamilian pepper gravy,

Moral of Story-Friends We need one chilly/ pepper type,
 one base and one sour  balancer or sweet balancer.

The base can be onion,cooked dhal, bengal gram paste,
 ground coconut,tomato, curds, tamarind, 
fresh cream, almond or cashew or poppy seeds.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK

Web site-sukarma thareja


 e Mail-sukarma@iitk.ac.in

Her academic venture  as an artist and photographer has featured in the form of book(paper back)

science of Life and Nature(Paper Back): A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Amazon.com: Books(10 dollars)

Amazon US link :


Amazon UK link:


Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Rani Thareja:

Kindle e-book (2.98 dollar)




Science-Delicious Fries


I love # crispy and tender fries, I boil my potatoes before frying them. This simple trick can make a big difference in the taste and texture of your fries. Since I am student f science I  am listing below some scientific facts involved in boiling of potatoes.


1. Boiling potatoes #deactivates an enzyme called# polyphenol oxidase, which causes potatoes to turn brown when exposed to air. This way, your fries will look more appetizing and won't have a bitter flavor.


2. Boiling potatoes removes some of the water content from the potatoes,which makes them less likely to stick together and more likely to crisp up in the oil. It also prevents them from #absorbing too much oil and becoming greasy.


3. Boiling potatoes closes the# cell walls on the surface of the potatoes,which creates a barrier that prevents the oil from penetrating too deep into the fries. This helps them retain their shape and texture, and also makes them more fluffy on the inside.


4. Boiling potatoes partially cooks them, which reduces the frying time and ensures that they are cooked evenly throughout. This way, you won't end up with # fries that are burnt on the outside and raw on the inside.

The glucose index (GI) is a measure that evaluates how quickly that particular food raises ones blood sugar levels. However, the GI of potatoes changes with different cooking techniques:

    Fried potato has a GI of 95
    Baked potato has a GI of 85
    Boiled potato has a GI of 50

This shows that a diabetic can consume boiled potatoes  as their GI is low and would not affect their blood sugar levels severely.



Moral of story-Friends next time you want to make some # delicious fries, give boiling a try.You'll be surprised by how much it improves the # taste of your potatoes.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



Impact of Blessings


Pure Bliss!------

My friend Kitu and myself were teaching in same school. Kitu was social science teacher, while I was teaching science in school. Before coming to school every day I will # pray to God for well being of mankind.

Kitu was upset with many small problems in her life. Myself and Kitu will discuss problems faced by us in school and at home.

I strongly believed in # seeking blessings of saints, teachers, parents , family and friends. Somehow though Kitu believed in blessing but not that strongly as I believed.

I explained Kitu see my friend” our relations with each other is special because we exchange love and respect. This exchange of pure # vibrations empowers us and keep us full of energy and enthusiasm.”

I further explained Kitu and said” there are some people in our life who are source of energy because their thoughts are pious for us. When people like saints, parents, parent-in-laws bless us we get # positive energy and we work tirelessly and face # challenges with ease.  Kitu!  Please! do remember # blessings are not thought and words created on special occasions. but every #pure thought and word is blessing.”

My dear friend Kitu agreed to my request and she started making special efforts for seeking blessings from elders, parents, parent-in-laws and saints. She was so happy to experience the impact of blessings on her # destiny.”

Moral of story-Every # pure thought is blessings. Friends please make a habit of keeping pure thoughts and words for everyone who so ever you encounter in life. You will experience #  pure bliss throughout your life.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



Telecommuting-Gallant Mom

 Its a blessing to be mother. Any country feel proud if creative, intelligent women and specially when they are mothers are contributing in building country.

Women contribution in building socio- fabric of country are special as their experiences of working adds to diversity of work. It is a known fact diversity in any work force make its impact much more balanced and innovative

But being a work from home mother is very challenging. To face these challenges mother needs support from many sides of society  Some moms are lucky  they could take a year off from job

Trying to go back to work after maternity leave,there are number of challenges on moms  physical and mental health, and  deep down sometime moms entire income goes to her nanny, so staying in her job just be making sense.

Some time mom work part-time from home as a writer and journalist, and it could be the best decision mom could have made. Mom took something she was already doing for fun (blogging) and turned it into a way to make some money while her toddler was sleeping. Working from home left her able to completely eliminate childcare costs.

 Working from home may or may not necessitate childcare, depending upon the specifics.

Working from home may seem like a dream, but it also has its challenges. It can be difficult to stay focused while at home, especially when moms kids are there too.

I  am writing all this in short as I have  also been working from home-mom.In this regard my humble submissions are following which I am listing below.

Whether or not working from home is the best choice for mom depends on many factors

Mom can eliminate her commute.

Mom has more time to spend with your children.

Mom don’t need to dress up and buy a work wardrobe.

Mom may have fewer distractions.

Mom may be able to eliminate or minimize childcare costs.

There are some problems also 

Home may be more distracting than the office.

Kids at home may demand more attention from mom(even if you have childcare).

There may be fewer opportunities for mom to advance professionally.

Working mom may feel isolated. 

Moral of Story-Being mom is  priceless.Question is if one happens to be working from home-telecommuting.There are many factors which are in favor which saves moms time of commute and ca one can attend to child need  as and when ever required.As every activity has positive and negative points.So is with working from home-Mom.Gallant moms be courageous an and do what ever is best for you and child.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK

Expecting More From Teachers

 I was studying in very good school. Teachers were very good to students.

We used to get lot of academic projects which were to be completed in
fixed time. Mostly we used to take help of internet to complete projects.

But we had many friends whose parents used to help them a lot in finishing
those projects. Some time I will feel dejected thinking I wish parents
could help us in doing so. But my parents used to encourage us to be
independent while doing those projects. That habit which my parents
inculcated in me has come long way with me. I find I remain happy by doing
everything in my life by myself. I have no expectations from others. I
Think that is a simple formula to remain happy in life.

Now I have grown old, same habit I try to inculcate in my students and my
own children.

Moral of story is friends that I have seen many student in my life time re
 who are afraid of examination result.They are those studens who expect more
from examiner teachers rather than from themselves.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK

Asha Bua


We have joint family.    We have helper Asha buaji in our house.She is an elderly lady and walk with little limb.But that does not slow her down in helping activity.Actually Asha bua is present everywhere.

There are nine kids in our house.Asha bua knows grades of every kid in our house..She keeps track of classes of every kid at home.She keeps instructing cook at home to hurry up with food so that no body get late for office or school.

I don’t remember a time when I came home and  and always saw Asha bua doing some thing or other.in and never  saw  bua sitting idle. She was always full of energy. She is a shoulder to cry on. A friendly ear to listen to kids emotional problems. She is a gentle reminder to kids when they make a mistake or neglect their studies. She see to it that elders are  never without coffee, despite the occasional absence of  raw coffee in our house.She is excellent in managing things.

Now I am away from home.I remember all those motherly traits of Asha bua. When I think of her, her limp is not the first thing that comes to mind. Her wrinkles seem important part of her beauty. All I remember is her heart and the immense love she had for all of us. All I remember is her radiant smile when we called out"Asha Bua"

Moral of story is friends People’s actions make them beautiful. And yes,my  Asha bua is supremely beautiful 

Sukarma Thareja

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