Quote- Sukarma Thareja

 All atoms are proud of their eternal electrons as all nuclei are proud of their neutrons and protons. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986


Quote- Seeker of Science Knowledge

 As a student of science I very humbly accept both complement and criticism. 

Student of science-(scientists, researchers, science teacher) must have right scientific aptitude and scientific attitude to grow as seeker of science knowledge. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986


Science-Colored Foods and Vegetables

 Other day while making notes about teaching children eating

 colored fruits and vegetables for benefit of health.I wrote small article covering

 salient features of science behind eating colored vegetables and fruits.The same I am 

listing below for esteem readers.

Bio Active Substances



In addition to the nutrients that our bodies need for growth and development,

 functional foods like apple contain a variety of bioactive substances,

 each with a unique function in the body. 

The bioactive substances can be found naturally in foods or added during processing.

The list of bioactive components in foods grows daily as research expands.

 The carotenoids are the most easily recognizable examples of bioactive substances. 

They are a group of 850 different pigments that give yellow, orange and red fruits and

 vegetables their color.


 Carotenoids primarily function as antioxidants, which means they promote health 

by helping to prevent damage to the body’s cells. 

Various individual carotenoids may function in different ways.

 Beta-carotene is the most well-known carotenoid because of the high amounts found in carrots.

 Beta-carotene converts to vitamin A in the body after we consume it.

 We all know vitamin A is needed for normal vision.



 Lutein and zeaxanthin are the yellow carotenoids found in corn and peppers. 

The two help support vision, especially among older adults.

Research suggests that the carotenoids from foods and the other categories 

of bioactive substances may help prevent certain cancers

 and improve heart health.



 It’s important to note that carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables 

are associated with reduced risks of cardiovascular disease 

and some cancers but that carotenoids in supplements offer fewer benefits.

Moral of Story-It is always advisable one should include colored vegetables and fruits in ones diet

Presence of bio active substances in them helps one in increase of ones immune system.


Decision Making -Monster

In this world of science# technology every one is opting for online shopping. One searches so many sites and look for review and compare prizes of product in which one is interested.I find this #decision making exercise mentally# taxing exercise. and this adds to undue #stress .Sometime I find this decision making acts like #monster in my life

I am woman  and mom of two teen age kids and I know when I cook I have to take care of liking of each family member.Moreover sometimes there are limitations of particular family member not able to consume particular food because of #medical ailments.I take special care of the same while cooking.That increases my number of decision making-monster #frequency which put strain on my brain.Sometime I feel  mentally exhausted from this monster.I question myself that I must reduce the impact of this monster,but no way I have to do it as I am #home maker.

It is a known fact that in middle class society in India a woman is evaluated by her sense of # dressing. I am  a working woman and sometimes I face this type of decision making-monster many times in my day to day life.”What do I wear today”. What do I do now. This all impacts my# personality and my life.Due to this decision making -monster# dilemma I get mixed feelings of being # frozen.That effects my emotional health.I feel drain in my body energy.How to decrease frequency of my decision making-monster,I ask this question to myself.Where I am taking my life to next?

I understand there are obviously decisions that need to be taken within a certain period of time, but those are few. The regular decisions making monster sometime involve # instincts and emotions .

I have realized I must minimize the number of decision making in my day to day activities.To resolve this issue or to be away from this monster I spend 40 minutes once a week to decide ” what to wear” and arrange my# wardrobe accordingly. To be away from this monster ,I meditate twice a week.This exercise is helping me to come out of this complicated dynamics of #decision making and feel that I am slowly coming out from clutches of decision making monster.I’ve found this exercise to be highly useful.

I found this habit  of meditation has made me little more # productive.I have become wise and now I concentrate on action of tasks, if it is replying particular email or eating certain food and many more.

Moral- One must avoid life’s drama of decision making-monster and must minimize the number of times one faces  decisions making monster . It saves ones lot of ones energy and keeps one happy also.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986




How to Lead Full Life


I have been teaching science in school.To make my lesson more efective I often do science arts writing to train young minds.In my co curricular activity time the topic for debate was how to lead best possible life.Students wrote very interesting answers.Some students were confused if they could have better materialistic things available to them,they would have lead a better full life.To make my students understand what is full life and how to lead fullest life I  wrote poem” Fullest Life” and pasted on notice board of school.Same poem I am listing below same for my esteem readers

Life is such a wide umbrella,How to get my fullest life,I ask this question many times,To my beloved soul.With a cup of coffee in my hand,I sat on my balcony,I realized, to lead the fullest life,I must concentrate on coffee,

Not on cup of coffee,Why so asked my soul. Coffee is  life,But cup in which is contained coffee,Is like job, money, position in life, but not life,They are means to lead life.Most affluent are not people,Who have everything in life,Most affluent are people,Who utilise their resources,In the best possible way,And remain happy.This understanding spontaneous,Made crystal clear all my doubts,I lost all my false fears of life,And gained my happiest fullest life.

~Sukarma Rani Thareja

Kanpur, India


Connection- Little Little Quanta

 I am fond of doing science arts writing. To educate young minds about concept of little quanta in form of poem.Same I am listing for students.

Little Quanta

We know,
At the,
Macroscopic level have,
Fixed trajectories here,
Fixed trajectories there,
But some thing
At the,
Subatomic level has,
Quantum this,
Quantum that.

All race,
All caste,
All creed,
Have no boundaries,
As we are ,
All made of,
The same stuff,
As we have same ,
Basic organic chemistry,
We are,
All connected of,
Space and time domain,
By little little quanta,
Our creator
Almighty! GOD

Sukarma Tharea

Alumnus IITK






Are you Doing Lawful Activity


My friend Nisha’s daughter Radha took admission in engineer college thinking that this education degree will fetch her good salary. But she was very good in fine arts. She used to do that very often as and when she got time. Radha  soon reslized that fine arts make her happy.After doing engineering she persuaded fine arts. She got many good opportunities to do so. 

Radha soon reslized one  can do anything in this world that one really want to do.

Radha got married .Her in laws were good but they always thought it is good that Radha fetch job on bases of engineering degree and pursue her career in this. But Radha wanted to pursue fine arts. She did so. She is doing well in fine arts job. She soon realized one doesn’t have to do anything in this world that one doesn’t really want to do.

Friends it is good to do activity what one wishes to do.But activity should be lawful activity. I know students in my institute who have skill of hacking any computer system.I always sincerely advice these students just because they can do something unlawful, doesn’t mean they must do that.They must understand that Institute has make one capable, so that one could become good citizens of country. So it is not advisable for students do any unlawful activity. This is not going to make students life meaningful. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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