Decision Making -Monster

In this world of science# technology every one is opting for online shopping. One searches so many sites and look for review and compare prizes of product in which one is interested.I find this #decision making exercise mentally# taxing exercise. and this adds to undue #stress .Sometime I find this decision making acts like #monster in my life

I am woman  and mom of two teen age kids and I know when I cook I have to take care of liking of each family member.Moreover sometimes there are limitations of particular family member not able to consume particular food because of #medical ailments.I take special care of the same while cooking.That increases my number of decision making-monster #frequency which put strain on my brain.Sometime I feel  mentally exhausted from this monster.I question myself that I must reduce the impact of this monster,but no way I have to do it as I am #home maker.

It is a known fact that in middle class society in India a woman is evaluated by her sense of # dressing. I am  a working woman and sometimes I face this type of decision making-monster many times in my day to day life.”What do I wear today”. What do I do now. This all impacts my# personality and my life.Due to this decision making -monster# dilemma I get mixed feelings of being # frozen.That effects my emotional health.I feel drain in my body energy.How to decrease frequency of my decision making-monster,I ask this question to myself.Where I am taking my life to next?

I understand there are obviously decisions that need to be taken within a certain period of time, but those are few. The regular decisions making monster sometime involve # instincts and emotions .

I have realized I must minimize the number of decision making in my day to day activities.To resolve this issue or to be away from this monster I spend 40 minutes once a week to decide ” what to wear” and arrange my# wardrobe accordingly. To be away from this monster ,I meditate twice a week.This exercise is helping me to come out of this complicated dynamics of #decision making and feel that I am slowly coming out from clutches of decision making monster.I’ve found this exercise to be highly useful.

I found this habit  of meditation has made me little more # productive.I have become wise and now I concentrate on action of tasks, if it is replying particular email or eating certain food and many more.

Moral- One must avoid life’s drama of decision making-monster and must minimize the number of times one faces  decisions making monster . It saves ones lot of ones energy and keeps one happy also.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986


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