Science-Colored Foods and Vegetables

 Other day while making notes about teaching children eating

 colored fruits and vegetables for benefit of health.I wrote small article covering

 salient features of science behind eating colored vegetables and fruits.The same I am 

listing below for esteem readers.

Bio Active Substances



In addition to the nutrients that our bodies need for growth and development,

 functional foods like apple contain a variety of bioactive substances,

 each with a unique function in the body. 

The bioactive substances can be found naturally in foods or added during processing.

The list of bioactive components in foods grows daily as research expands.

 The carotenoids are the most easily recognizable examples of bioactive substances. 

They are a group of 850 different pigments that give yellow, orange and red fruits and

 vegetables their color.


 Carotenoids primarily function as antioxidants, which means they promote health 

by helping to prevent damage to the body’s cells. 

Various individual carotenoids may function in different ways.

 Beta-carotene is the most well-known carotenoid because of the high amounts found in carrots.

 Beta-carotene converts to vitamin A in the body after we consume it.

 We all know vitamin A is needed for normal vision.



 Lutein and zeaxanthin are the yellow carotenoids found in corn and peppers. 

The two help support vision, especially among older adults.

Research suggests that the carotenoids from foods and the other categories 

of bioactive substances may help prevent certain cancers

 and improve heart health.



 It’s important to note that carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables 

are associated with reduced risks of cardiovascular disease 

and some cancers but that carotenoids in supplements offer fewer benefits.

Moral of Story-It is always advisable one should include colored vegetables and fruits in ones diet

Presence of bio active substances in them helps one in increase of ones immune system.


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