Chemical Scientists

Chemical Scientist

In their mind creative ,chemical scientist,
Has seed of smart environment and chemistry ,
Their open heart has soil to nurture ,
These chemical creativity and reactivity.

They never close up their hearts for people,
They adjust and fit , life chemical parameters ,
In the process never forget to love people.

They touch life moment of ordinary people,
With depth in chemical endeavours creative,
And provide beauty of living to people.

They strongly believe in generous society,
And give their life with fullness to society,
In the process give chemical happiness to people.

With impossible combination of intelligence,
And smartness together , these chemical scientist,
Are blessing to world of science and scientist,
Do wonderful chemical research, with good will gesture,
And make life journey comfortable for people.

May god bless chemical scientist

 Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



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