Work - Life Harmony- Environment


 It was covid time.Our school administration has advised all teachers to go for zoom classes for children. I thought it will be good if before I resume my online classes

for teaching,I must educate students through my writing piece how to make work-life harmony  by sustaining environment.I wrote poem entitled" Work - Life Balance- Environment" and posted  on website of my school.The same I am listing below for my esteem readers.

Work - Life Balance- Environment


Corona you acted like a #forced storm on us,

You became teacher and taught us to believe in #simple living,

You acted like #equalizer for every caste creed and religion,

You taught us to be away from #pump and show life.

You locked down earth for #repair of environment,

Corona we promise YOU; for our greed,

 We will not #misuse environment,

Corona please make us free from quarantine walls,

We promise you Corona we will care gently for environment .

We have made #vaccine for you(corona virus),

Corona please help us and please be away from vaccined people,

Please don’t spread yourself in community,

Help us by not showing your different #strains in air,

Your strict #punishments has made us wise,

Please let cool #peaceful breeze be  present   in environment;

So that #Work-life harmony is maintained in environment.


          Word count- 137  

Dr Sukarma Rani Thareja,

Associate Professor-Retired

CSJM University

Alumnus IIT-K-1986,Ph.D(Chemistry)



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one's Conciousness-materialistic world world


I have one very good friend. His foremost interest in life is to build very big house with all eminent facilities in it.When ever I meet him he only talks about his #dream house. In India  most people spend their precious money and time  in building #big houses for them.

I am happy my friend has built beautiful house. In total exercise it took him 10 years to do so. Perfect but there is one fact which I must tell you friends before building a dream house he earned and saved money for twenty years. He is so much into this #project that he is always busy counting #adding and multiplying money transactions.

But my humble submission is that one’s life is small and full of #uncertainties. If one spends major part of one’s life in collecting #costly things, then not much life will be left with one to work on one’s #consciousness. All rooms of one’s consciousness that is body, soul, mind and intellect may not develop to same extent as ones external home.

Psychology research guides that people are interested in building a big house is that they strongly believe in #show off business. They are always on radar of# competitive world of materialistic things. They continuously get signals from that radar and work accordingly. Spending ones whole energy and time in #show business is profitable is big question to humanity.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Books

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Scientist Dream-Count Down


I left main gate of my #alma mater research lab with a heavy heart,

I count back from ten as I walk to my  #IIT-Kanpur main gate,

I thought about my #research lab,

How this holy #temple of research lab,

 Helped me in lovely journey,

Of my #passion for knowledge- science.

How lab blessed me on my head at Nine,

At Eight I smiled at me,

Lucky to be associated with such a #prestigious lab,

At one point in my life.

At seven  magical hands mine,

Shook with an important,

Science #chemical physics algorithms used in lab,

Six times I presented research results,

At #conferences international prestigious.

I refuse to go back home,

And always wished to be in research lab at Five,

At four I told my self how much I "adore my research lab ",

At three I said magical words"I love you",

To my research science lab.

At two I recollected pleasant experiences,

I got in my research science lab,

I looked at all the photographs,

Collection I took in research lab.

At once I closed, my house gate happily,

I went to my bed and closed my eyes,

Slept with important #research findings,

Close to my heart.,I carried in my research Science lab.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



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