Fashion trends in Clothes-Environment

 I got my Bachelor and Master of Science degree from good college. Our college was girls college. 

After every four weeks one could see that fashion in clothes which girls are wearing has changed. 

This change in fashion clothes come from western world. They are prosper countries. Girls don’t mind buying costly clothes. 

Then these clothes go over to Asian countries for cheaper cost. In the process there is waste of resources from environment. 

If one think logically cotton cloth come from trees. Meaning trees are basic source of clothes. 

In other words if one is changing trends in clothes before clothes could complete full life,one is exploiting environment.  That creats chaos in whole world fashion trend in clothes. 

Moral of story is it is high time to stabilize global economy of world

It is not advisable to have so much frequent change in fashion trends and please dont tax environment. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK



Activities I do to make myself active


I am mom of two school going kids. I am also a teacher at local school. I have home front responsibility of two kids and home front day to day activities. On other hand I have professional responsibilities at school. 

I try my best to be efficient at home front and professional front. 

I get up at 5.30 am and make my tea. With cup of tea I come in my balcony and see green trees in front of my house. That itself give me wonderful start of day. 

When at school two days in week I try my best to take my lunch in isolation and try to crystallise my thoughts. That helps me a lot in making me energetic. 

At night before going to bed I come out in balcony and watch stars in sky and thank God for all the blessings. 

Once in fortnight I go and sit in beautiful garden full of greenery and flowers. 

These small activities which I have listed above are stress buster for me and make me going in my journey of dutiful mom and accomplished teacher. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Friendship With Poetry


Mom please read one poem for me,

Mom you are my grandma daughter,

Child poems are portal to place time less,

Mom poetry give us solace and enlightenment,

Child when one enters a poem,

One may feel it is small,

But one page pack of poem

Contains so much,

It gives one solace,

It gives one companion ship ,

It solves mystery,

Mom painful expressions are reframed in poetry,

Poetry reflects rich brew of sweetness and bitterness,

Poetry is not escape from chaos,

Poetry is refuge to calm land,

Which makes one emotionally strong,

Friend! Friendship with poetry is always good and beneficial.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Power to Ignore a Person

 There is great power in giving a person zero energy, This comes from knowing your self worth and it is a very important thing to learn. 

I had a friend her mother in law was abusive. She was very much disturbed,as she had no courage to fight back.

I requested my friend say nothing to your mother in law, simply ignore her. 

Friends!saying nothing one can never be misquoted .It is a very powerful tool of ones personality. My friend started observing strict silence with her abusive mother in law. 

My friend told me this tool is helping her finding peace within herself , and allowing nobody to infect it.

 Silence speaks louder than words ever could, A seed grows with no sound, but a tree falls with huge noise. Destruction has noise, but creation is quiet. This is the power of silence………..

Having full control of your emotions is also a super power that we all need to accomplish at some point in our lives, this comes with maturity and self confidence. Spending time alone also helps with understanding our value…..

Moral of story is if one encounters abusive person in life may be boss, may be husband, may be mother in law. One should ignore abusive person as far as possible. It gives one strength to fight back those odd circumstances time. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Technology vs expression on paper

 When I was small we were given lot of emphasis on writing.There used to be competition in school about good writing at primary level. There were no computers and lap top in our times. Every subject for learning involved lot of practice on paper. We used to write notes of evey subject. 

While digitisation has improved people’s efficiency it has also impacted students and learners with two major factors at the forefront.

Concentration levels: according to the same study, spending too much time on digital platforms including social media can result in a lack of focus and concentration. To reap the benefits of digitisation and continue to benefit from using writing tools for self-expression, individuals need to marry the two methods to enhance cognitive processes.

Dependence on technology: classrooms have become more technologically friendly, which has resulted in students struggling when trying to complete school work without any digital aid. A study. 

Moral of story is to increase student analytical power educators should use mix mode to teach. Educator should use black board to derive important points of lecture, for experimental demonstrations one can take help of video presentation. Friends all this I am writing from my own experience. This mixed mode of teaching help students take notes in class. They are always active and alert. Teacher and taught take best benefit from both modes. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Work from Home-Mom

 It’s a blessing to be mother. Any country feel proud if creative, intelligent women and specialy when they are mothers are contributing in building country. 

Women contribution in building country is special as their experiences of working adds to diversity of work. It is s known fact diversity in any work force make its impact much more balanced and innovative

But being a work from home mother is very challenging. To face these challenges mother needs support from many sides of society

Some moms are lucky  they could take a year off from job 

Trying to go back to work after meternity leave,there are number of challenges on moms  physical and mental health, and  deep down sometime moms entire income goes to her nanny, so staying in her job just be making sense.

Some time mom work part-time from home as a writer and journalist, and it could be the best decision mom could have made. Mom took something she was already doing for fun (blogging) and turned it into a way to make some money while her toddler was sleeping. Working from home left her able to completely eliminate childcare costs.

 Working from home may or may not necessitate childcare, depending upon the specifics.

Working from home may seem like a dream, but it also has its challenges. It can be difficult to stay focused while at home, especially when moms kids are there too.

Whether or not working from home is the best choice for mom depends on many factors

Mom can eliminate her commute.

Mom has more time to spend with your children.

Mom don’t need to dress up and buy a work wardrobe.

Mom may have fewer distractions.

Mom may be able to eliminate or minimize childcare costs.

There are some problems also

Home may be more distracting than the office.

Kids at home may demand more attention from mom(even if you have childcare).

There may be fewer opportunities for mom to advance professionally.

Working mom may feel isolated.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Writing-a Pleasant Experience

 I remember from class one onwards we were asked to write about species we see in day to day life. 

My teacher asked me to write about cow. I was very much fascinated by black cow. My grandmother used to worship black cow. To meet black cow I used to travel several miles. 

From class one onward writing became my hobby. When we were small we used to live in joint family. There was no facility of email at that time. My family knew that I am fond of writing, so who so ever wished to send post card to ones relative, I was person to be requested to write. I will very fondly write letters for every one. 

But in secondary classes I became student of science so I didn’t get much opportunity to do creative writing. 

When I started teaching in college to be creative in my art of teaching, I did science arts writing and liberal art writing. That made my teaching effective. Some of my science arts writing pieces got published in very good website and magazine. 

That encouraged me very much. Now after retirement to educate young minds I do science arts writing or sometimes liberal art writing. 

Moral of story is friends creative writing makes ones mind very fruitful and one become habitual to write worthwhile to train young minds for positive work. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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