Technology vs expression on paper

 When I was small we were given lot of emphasis on writing.There used to be competition in school about good writing at primary level. There were no computers and lap top in our times. Every subject for learning involved lot of practice on paper. We used to write notes of evey subject. 

While digitisation has improved people’s efficiency it has also impacted students and learners with two major factors at the forefront.

Concentration levels: according to the same study, spending too much time on digital platforms including social media can result in a lack of focus and concentration. To reap the benefits of digitisation and continue to benefit from using writing tools for self-expression, individuals need to marry the two methods to enhance cognitive processes.

Dependence on technology: classrooms have become more technologically friendly, which has resulted in students struggling when trying to complete school work without any digital aid. A study. 

Moral of story is to increase student analytical power educators should use mix mode to teach. Educator should use black board to derive important points of lecture, for experimental demonstrations one can take help of video presentation. Friends all this I am writing from my own experience. This mixed mode of teaching help students take notes in class. They are always active and alert. Teacher and taught take best benefit from both modes. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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