Activities I do to make myself active


I am mom of two school going kids. I am also a teacher at local school. I have home front responsibility of two kids and home front day to day activities. On other hand I have professional responsibilities at school. 

I try my best to be efficient at home front and professional front. 

I get up at 5.30 am and make my tea. With cup of tea I come in my balcony and see green trees in front of my house. That itself give me wonderful start of day. 

When at school two days in week I try my best to take my lunch in isolation and try to crystallise my thoughts. That helps me a lot in making me energetic. 

At night before going to bed I come out in balcony and watch stars in sky and thank God for all the blessings. 

Once in fortnight I go and sit in beautiful garden full of greenery and flowers. 

These small activities which I have listed above are stress buster for me and make me going in my journey of dutiful mom and accomplished teacher. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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