Why some people are so much graceful

 My maternal family came to India after partition. It was a difficult time for all persons who migrated to hindustan. 

My mother was unmarried at that time. My grandparents were in confused state. They were living in refugees camp. 

My mother tell us that they hardly used to get to eat. Some how my grandparents arranged my mothers marriage. My mothers inlaws family was big. Unfortunately they were also refugees. My mother had to work very hard day and night. She had to cook for twenty people. All these hard work made my mother very humble. 

Helping attitude was built in her nature. She was very graceful. She will help everyone. My mother used to tell us, that she has seen so many suffering during partition time that now she does not want to add any more pain to this world. 

Suffering of partition made my mother very hard working, helping and therefore graceful. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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