Let us Make Life Simple

 In my Junior classes our teacher taught us to believe in simple living and high thinking. 

But an individual one can implement this philosophy but in today’s world, in my country this is not accepted by very many people. Some time they look down on people believing in simple living. Other way sometimes it becomes a social problem if one leads simple living

Simplest example is birthday celebration of children. Procedure followed in Indian community is cake is cut by birthday boy and every child invited for bday party bring present for child. Sometimes child- birthday boy is not able to appreciate the present given to him as one is not interested in specific present or sometimes the present given has intellectual level, much above birthday boy. 

This makes things little difficult. It is also customary no child goes to b’day party without carrying gift. 

Then b boy has to give return gift to all children who has come for bday party. 

All these rituals make life complicated for parents, specially who are working. 

Moral of story is please make life simple and remain worry free and enjoy life. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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