Writing-a Pleasant Experience

 I remember from class one onwards we were asked to write about species we see in day to day life. 

My teacher asked me to write about cow. I was very much fascinated by black cow. My grandmother used to worship black cow. To meet black cow I used to travel several miles. 

From class one onward writing became my hobby. When we were small we used to live in joint family. There was no facility of email at that time. My family knew that I am fond of writing, so who so ever wished to send post card to ones relative, I was person to be requested to write. I will very fondly write letters for every one. 

But in secondary classes I became student of science so I didn’t get much opportunity to do creative writing. 

When I started teaching in college to be creative in my art of teaching, I did science arts writing and liberal art writing. That made my teaching effective. Some of my science arts writing pieces got published in very good website and magazine. 

That encouraged me very much. Now after retirement to educate young minds I do science arts writing or sometimes liberal art writing. 

Moral of story is friends creative writing makes ones mind very fruitful and one become habitual to write worthwhile to train young minds for positive work. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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