Minimalistic Approach to Life

 My father was posted in France. I saw people in western countries accumulate things more than ones needs. 

This happens when big companies put big sale then people often buy things more than what they need. 

Companies put conditions like buy two get one free, then people often go for this option.

This is happening in India also. Now we indians are making our house museum instead of home. 

Since US has seen very big form of materialistic format therefore people in US are going toward keeping minimum things in house to lead happy life. 

 In our country accepting minimalism to lead life is must, as there is huge difference in pay of each individual.There is no even distribution of money and resources.

Some people have so many things that they can’t even have place to keep them in their home. There are others who  do not have enough clothes to cover their body. 

It is advisable to make ones house clutter free. 

Minimalistic approach to life has many advantages. 

Ones budget will be less. 

Less tension in home. 

It is easier to clean home. 

Financially one will be independent. 

Minimalistic approach to life is good for environment.

One will be away from pump show business.

One does not have to run after money. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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